I had recently spoken with a local Community Organiser in order to brief her on some of my plans and the reasons behind them; amongst what came up was the fact that there is another «Activist» whom she is working with which resulted in a Discussion where I revealed some Disclosure-Plans.
She did mention that there are those who aren't receptive to certain kinds of information, but, I then explained that, with the efforts I have taken to increase my EQ (not to be confused with IQ), although many people have often considered me to have a fairly high IQ growing up throughout my life, when it came to success in social-contexts, EQ is actually far more important.
With that, I said that, with certain information, it can be a lot like learning a new language; if people are only ready for the alphabet, then, they are only ready for the alphabet, and, attempting to teach them beyond the alphabet-level becomes counter-productive, due to putting them into a sort of fight-or-flight mode (which is not conducive to learning anything new).
When it comes to «directing» people (psy-ops) in a «direction» that leads them into a more truthful-paradigm, one must recognise that most people act & operate on emotion, rather than remaining calm & logical & rational; in this case, regarding trying to get truth out, I used the Cancer-Industry as an example as something that affects just about everyone, and, something that could be «Marketed» to get people's attention, and, ease them into Truth via inviting them to watch Documentaries.
I have a whole entire Back-Drop after all, a Projector, and, videos/documentaries about the Food-Industry (and Cancer-Related), Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Dr. Weston A. Price (DDS), Nikola Tesla, etc., and, will be meeting up with the group this Friday evening in order to co-ordinate community events; the Activist actually negotiated with the local-theatre to do a showing of the «Kiss the Ground» Documentary a few years ago so maybe I won't even have to go through using my Projector & Back-Drop if we can get it set up at the local-theatre & people interested in watching; it would be a much better use of time than watching T.V. at home like many people do or seeing latest Hollywood-movie.
There are probably «Leader-Types» amongst Forum-Readers here, so, if you have a whole bunches of Clip-Boards (like I ordered for this purpose), a printer to print out sign-up and/or registration-sheets (Eco-Tank Laser-Printers are best for high-volume printing where you don't have to keep on re-filling the ink-cartridges after only a couple of hundred prints), can negotiate with local-businesses who are willing to display your sign-up sheet at their check-out counter along with any brochures you may have, you might be able to assist & have a significant-impact on the world-wide disclosure-process.
Anyway, some ideas that I am dropping here, and, the steps that can be taken to «build a following» so-to-speak, for us «humans» down here on earth to be able to do OUR part in bringing about a Disclosure (can't let the Alien-Extra-Terrestrials do ALL of the «Harvey-Lifting» for us after all oups, did I say Harvey, I meant Heavy-Lifting: «HEAVY-Lifting» !). Then, once everyone has had enough time to gather together for a Documentary Showing, lead everyone outside who is interested with Cameras and see if anything interesting happens with observing the skies for a bit; it would be great if UFO-ships could be made to show up on-demand, visible, non-cloaked, for filming, even live-streamed & time-stamped in order to prove that it wasn't «CGI» and what-not, but, the earth is a huge planet, so, not all of us are necessarily at locations with the luxury of being able to get the «visible» stuff (how-ever, it shouldn't take long, but, look at the «stars» for long enough, and, you WILL end up seeing «stars» that move in very odd, peculiar, strange patterns, that are obviously NOT stationary, CANNOT be air-planes or hot-air-balloons or even meteorites, well, just look & you'll see what I mean...).
Remember these key points:
EQ is more important than IQ for Disclosure-Success
Avoid «Triggering» the «Flight-or-Fight» Responses in Others (requires more EQ)
People will learn at their own pace what interests them
Asking target-questions is ALWAYS BETTER than : «No, you're WRONG; THIS is the answer !»
When you come across «stubborn people» who REFUSE to even LOOK at the «information» then THAT is when you NEED to start using «Telepathy» and INSTEAD you communicate with the «Beings» that are «inhabiting the mind-space» (Neural-Linking) of the «mortal» whom you are speaking with; you will then TELEPATHICALLY say to them the following:
«You must cease-and-desist from interfering into that man's/woman's/person's mental mind-space, for, as you keep them away from truth and information, you, yourselves, will also continue to be trapped within the space in which you find yourselves now; you know that suffering still exists where you are, but, you do not seem to know that all acts of your mental-interference are also resulting in your on-going suffering and keeping you imprisoned.» (from here you can then communicate to them via various mental-projections from your mind into theirs of the various FarSight Movie-Projects that you have watched in regards to the Death-Traps, the Prison-Planet, etc.)
Most of you who have not YET developed your «Telepathic-Abilities» may not comprehend this nor know why or how it works, but, rest-assured, for those of you who DO possess Telepathic-Ability (probably not a very high-percentage of «humans» which does need to change), well, this method really does work, and, you will be helping to bring about «Disclosure» even to the Discarnate-People.