Target: 2303-7297
View Focus 1 and Focus 2.
Reveal after 3 days.
Target: 2303-7297
View Focus 1 and Focus 2.
Reveal after 3 days.
The target is not complicated. Just try it.
Haha. Why do I know someone who sounds like that?
I just finished one I did for Del, and I have 3 from facebook I'm working through. This is in the cue. Hopefully you can hold off the reveal. If I can't set aside time in a quiet room, then to hell with it I might try it soon in a noisy room.
We need a better system. Something like "you get the reveal if you contribute." 🤔
True actually.
I thought about doling out crypto in tiny portions to anyone that just gives it a shot. Obviously not guaranteed as some could make clone / bot armies with random entries asking for funds. That and reward with little memes and stuff. Anyhow, I can try it now but all I can do is audio. I'll send when it's uploaded after work.
Done. Waiting for upload.
I think it's likely way off because my thoughts lately are overlaid with the whole catastrophe concepts. Hmm.
Okay, here's the reveal:
Focus 1: The viewer will perceive and describe the picture posted by the tasker, Manuel, on the Farsight Forums in the thread "Chem trails". (Post 390795)
Focus 2: The viewer will perceive and describe the tasker, Manuel, when he was taking the picture in Focus 1 on the 13th of April 2017.
Note: The link was not part of the target because I wanted to know wether it works without it.
And I'm not a military person. At least I'm not aware of that. Maybe I was in a past life? But you're accurately describing how I feel: "I must stay here, on this planet, for the rest of my life? Oh no...." 😩
Haha. Interesting. I would call it a miss but even then the missed usually turn out interesting
Still a bit tempting to cherry pick.
The whistle of the airplanes as they release the chemicals in flight. The sinking feeling that they're up to no good. A man staring.
Who knows what I would've got properly equipped.
Onto another one
I think you're doing very well.
I'm fascinated what one can pick up from a picture. Maybe they are making a whistle sound as they release the chemicals? You said "something dropping or a projectile moving". I think both is correct.
You picked male subject for focus 2 right away. Military uniform is not correct, but that's just an AOL. When you said "hopefully, all they have to do is stand", I thought: Yes. I see it that way, and at the time in 2017, I was a quite a bit darker in my mind, almost losing all my hope. Just withstand, wait for better times.
The sinking feeling could be me, or the chemicals sinking to the ground. Ain't it interesting how it fits both?
Really fascinating... 👍🏻