Target: 5612-7904
No time limit. Reveal after 3 or more attempts in total, no matter how many viewers.
Target: 5612-7904
No time limit. Reveal after 3 or more attempts in total, no matter how many viewers.
I'm going to see if I have time later to do a second pass properly. I'm in this noisy cafe full of music and hyper conversation and other distractions so ya ...
I see like a little star formation pulsating. Yellow, in the middle of black and growd brighter
Curves that swerve through it, like S formations, with the star thing in the backdrop
Energetics, definitely
The emotions associated are so varied and unpredictable, I can barely make sense of it.
There's a subject and I can't tell the gender,
This subject is a planner. Pretty stoic, associated with this star formation thingy
It's as if they're unveiling a masterpiece, and almost smug about what they've achieved. Eager to have the world around them discover the amazing quality of their hard work.
Like the feeling you get in a poker game when everyone bet everything because they completely fell for your bluff, they thought your cards were terrible, and wanting to see the look on all their faces when you show them a royal flush.
It's like energetics in mid explosion. But there's this pause of time where it almost looks like in slow motion.
It comes with the knowledge that so much changes.
Well ... That's my shot for now
I decided to reveal because I don't think there will be a third attempt and Tazz deserves to know the target.
The viewer will perceive and describe the video footage known as "A Trip Down Market Street" as it was shot on April 14, 1906 in San Francisco.
"I feel an annoyance about the randomness of lots of subjects, like, WHY ARE YOU SO F*** RANDOM?!"
Interestingly, at one point you seem to perceive a catastrophe and people wearing cloths in their faces.
-> This film was shot on April 14, 1906, just four days before the San Francisco earthquake and fire.
And you seem to perceive the filmmaker as well.
I will refrain from posting more targets because of the lack of participants.
But fear not, I'm currently working on a dynamic RV collaboration website where people can post targets and viewers can practice. It will take some time though to get it done.
Thanks! I do hope you keep it going. I know that there is a lot of resistance to trying targets, I truly believe it is almost purely a mental programming of some kind from the prison matrix. I will try to keep up with viewing,
My hope was to do a third attempt on paper but I knew it was gonna take forever to get to it.
Tasking is a skill in itself. Don't underestimate your ability. I'll also task more if you're wanting to try.
Not everybody can free-time-schedule or drop what they're doing to sit down & just go about doing what is asked of others by the next day or two; some people work, then there were multiple computer-issues that I needed to fix & re-code over the last few days (not the least of reasons being because Kaspersky was suddenly apparently «banned» by the U.S.. Government from being able to offer its products/services to U.S. Customers & by some stroke of «luck» or just a lot of computer-repair-experience I noticed that the «forced transition» over to the UltraAV-software was causing all manners of Memory Leak problems & other computer-issues so I had to rectify that & continue to fix it on all of my systems that had UltraAV running even after uninstalling it with Revo-Uninstaller), and there's the matter of «getting to it» _eventually_ (even in business you often need to advertise your product/service for at least a minimum of 3 months, each and every single day, before you can even expect to start seeing any decent number of customers start walking through your door; this is why businesses often have «announcements» and «promo-time» followed by a «launch-day» some few months later on down the line so that they don't end up being a «customerless-business»).
People will participate in the target if you do the following...:
➔ Let people have enough time to fit it into their schedules
➔ Find a way to notify people who are actively training/practicing/learning to R-V
➔ Extend your reach to willing Remote-Viewers beyond these forums
➔ Establish an active Social-Media Presence to promote R-V participation
➔ Build. A. Data-Base. Of. Willing. Remote-Viewers.
...just to name a handful of methods to increase your participation-rate. Some of you have said yourselves that you know how to code/build web-sites; just grab a domain-name that sounds something like «» or «» and get it «positioned» within the Search-Engines to come up on the first page at the top of the results any time someone types in those search-terms or similar with a «Subscribe» form (whether you want to call it a «News-Lettre» or otherwise) so that you can build-up a Mailing List (or just use Get-Response or Constant-Contact instead of coding the management & auto-responders for such e-mail lists yourself), collect an e-mail list of Remote-Viewers from around the world (may need to translate/market it in multiple languages to get even more participants), then, send out periodic targets or even just set them up so that there is a Target-Practice Section on the web-site that people can try on their own, followed by checking the target-reveal after doing their session or sessions (this can also be set-up to where they specify the time-frame in which they need or want to complete sessions on a target before it is revealed to them or before they can gain access to the reveal of said target).
Perhaps you could even set a target for yourself to find out what are the most-effective steps/processes that you might need to take in order to maximise participation...
That's why "I'm currently working on a dynamic RV collaboration website where people can post targets and viewers can practice."
Bro . . . still a part of the matrix programming lol. Sorry, I know you'll hate me.
It's the like "remote viewing isn't possible unless you prepare this and do that and create this and blabideeblaa"
It starts with just taking simple shots. I almost never have time to get the right materials and do proper SRV. But who cares, I try a shot at something simple anyway. And the same goes for tasking. Don't think you need all this super-magic-special preparation just to make a task.
If you can write a post in a forum, you can task and do an RV session.
Did you just call me a «Bro» ?
Anyway, you seem to be missing the point here, when people are busy, people are busy, and, considering the fact that these technical-issues I'm dealing with have to do with the fact that, despite having 30 or so different e-mail addresses, I have not gotten any new e-mails in any of them for like three (3) whole entire days now, not to mention the fact that it is kind of an issue if I am unable to even access the Far-Sight web-site or other web-sites for some reason, thus, forcing the repair-work into something of a priority.
Otherwise, sure, here is a Remote-Viewing Target for you to do right now, right this very minute, but, you have to get it done within the next 30 minutes from now (from the time that I am posting this response)...: 65D3-80BD-4CFE-D640
Target-Reveal after next response irrespective of whether time-limit was met or not.
laughing from the video. Don't know if this target is kidding or not but hey why not
*A beach ball
*Waiting for a minute, just seeing if anything comes.
*Powder. Greyish, like gunpowder, don't know if that's what it is
*Male subject. Linked to the powder.
*Like a kitchenette area, someone sitting in front of the table. Not a particularly volatile environment, fairly calm. Looks nice and clean in this room. Modern, table looks marble.
*Like I picture this thing with powder when you sprinkle it with hands, like pepper
*Nothing eventful. Just a moment in a mild scene.
Alright, well, here is the good news...:
I just saved a bunch of money on my car-insurance by switching to --- wait, err, wrong line, I mean... with the assistance of Co-Pilot, I managed to narrow down the root-cause of what was causing my Internet-connectivity issues for my devices that were having issues (probably).
Now for the «Target-Reveal» and some feed-back... Target-Reveal:
「Remote-Viewing Target:
For the first 30 minutes from the time of when this target is posted onto the Far-Sight Forums at FarSightPrime.Com... Remote-Viewer shall perceive the image found at and feel compelled to draw their best-depiction of what they see in said image... upon feeling «compelled» to do these drawings of the Venus Fly Traps & their pods, Remote-Viewer will also get a sense of the «Death-Note» animé, and, contemplate on whether or not a Remote-Viewer can be «compelled» into doing a particular thing or feeling a particular way from a Tasker's Remote-Viewing Target.
...should more than 30 minutes laps or elapse from the time of the Remote-Viewing Target being posted onto the Far-Sight Forums at FarSightPrime.Com before the Remote-Viewer has finished their Session, Remote-Viewer's Target-View will end up being that of cats, just cats, lots of cats... lots and lots of cats...! Which-ever cat they perceive will be their favourite type of cat or feline, regardless of its race, gender, whether the cat even actually exists on earth or was depicted in an animé or any other medium or fantasy world story-telling, the point is that they're going to be seeing cats... lots and Lots and LOTS of cats of their favourite variety.」
Note : The intention was to have the Remote-Viewer do a viewing of the picture/image that was captured on-camera that can be seen here... rather than the surrounding area, but, I went ahead and took additional-photos just to show where you may have gotten those «extras» from...
Feed-Back...: From the looks of things, putting a «Time-Limit» on a Remote-Viewing target does not cause the Remote-Viewer to end up viewing the «latter» which would have been a bunch of cats... lots of cats (see Target-Description for Details). The «Beach-Ball» was most-likely perceiving that animé-picture from where there is something like a beach-ball-patterned wheel-shaped thing behind her head with who knows what kind(s) of creature(s) perched on top.
I marked where I keep my «sandals» of course in that speech-bubble thing.
Regarding the powder, grey-ish, like gun-powder, whether from the Sphagnum-Moss or perhaps within that compost-container which I have wrapped in plastic (because it apparently turned out that, when you compost fruits/vegetables, they always seem to end up as fruit-flies & I wasn't sure where the source of all of the fruit-flies from the earlier weeks was coming from so I pulled out my whole entire stove & cleaned up anything that may have «spilled» behind it when cooking in case the fruit-flies were using that as its spawn-point, but, more kept on showing up & the only remaining idea that I had was that they must have been escaping from the compost-bin; and, looking into the compost-bin, a bunch of maggot-looking things were in there even though there should not have been any access for bugs to be able to get inside since the entrance was blocked by a carbon-filter).
The only «male-subject» would have been me since I «live» here by myself in this little tiny one-bed-room apartment... okay, well, I guess it's not necessarily tiny, for I definitely have way more room here than anybody who lives in an apartment at Tokyo, Japan, nor is it one-bed-room (it's actually a two-bed-room), but, this building is very old (built apparently in the 1800s from what a previous manager told me about its history if I remember correctly; who-ever designed this place certainly wasn't thinking straight or properly when they put several of the electrical-outlets directly above the base-heaters; why in the world would you put electrical-outlets right above where cords would be plugged in and potentially heat up anything, including the cord itself, that has been plugged into the wall above those base-heaters!? O_O).
For the «Kitchenette-Area» the VFTs are certainly located on that book-shelf which is fairly close to my kitchen as can be seen here...
That «table» is actually made of plastic. Yes, the environment is fairly safe, calm, not sure about «modern» other than all of the «stuff» that I have ordered from Amazon that has been delivered here (although the «grow-lights» that are located above the Venus Fly Traps are set to automatically turn on in the morning, stay on for 16 hours in a row, then turn off automatically; I took all of these pictures outside of the time that the lights are usually on so I had to turn on other lights in order for there to be enough visibility for the camera to be able to capture the scene to be Remote-Viewed).
Whether my place is «clean» or not, I am still in active-cleaning here, the way I see things, this place of mine is actually a mess, but, certainly a lot cleaner than when I once had so much stuff everywhere that it was difficult to walk from one end of this apartment to the other end without both tripping over something and knocking something over... anyway, the «powdery» stuff could be the Sphagnum-Moss in the larger-sized pods that are located above the shelf where the VFTs are, but, I did not take any pictures of that upper-shelf other than what you see in the image where the kitchen can be seen and I don't have anything growing in those pods at current anyway (and my Drosera-Sundew Plant which I moved to the kitchen got too tall to keep in those shelves... rather, it started «flowering» and the flower-stem grew too tall, thus ending up hitting the ceiling where the grow-lights are attached via double-sided alien-tape).
Brooooo . . . (oh, incriminated bro-ing again)
I even wanted to say "it's you isn't it?" but I remembered a little incident I had with Intysam thinking I remote viewed her when the target was Hitler. (Sorry Intysam. Still the best RV experience ever!)
But that marble pattern on the table. I swear I distinctively saw it. And the grey powder could easily be all the dirt. It's like that texture.
The thing about the cats, I had a similar thing when someone on the forum was trying to analyze a crypto. I was supposed to see a variance of two images depending on gow well the crypto does but instead I ended up just describing the logo and the probable curve of its success. I wonder how that buggered thing is doing now
Marble pattern on tge shelf, I nean. Whoops
Okay... I think I've managed to identify where you are getting the other stuff... I do have a «dirt» bag nearby... look down there at the side of the chair on the floor... (can definitely seem like gun-powder from R-V Perspective)
Marble-Tile-Looking surface probably from here...
(Which is the entrance-area to my apartment-unit)
Ultimately, you ended up Remote-Viewing just about everything else the surrounding the Target, rather than the actual target itself, even though it should have been cats... lots of cats... perhaps this is what happens when we put a «time-limit» on a task to be Remote-Viewed ? Additional Edit/Addendum : Also, regarding the «Modern» feel, that also might be because I have taped (via Double-Sided Alien-Tape) some Motion-Detection Lights to some of the blocks above the walk-through areas into the kitchen as well as the area above that leads towards the bathroom & bed-rooms.
Hi Tazz, the status of Pi Crypto is still the same (which is nothing bad, as it is within the schedule). The listed prices for Pi at different exchanges went up, it is about 52-58 USD now, but this says nothing. The first "real price" will be found when the open mainnet will start at the end of the year and the coin will be able to be traded on e.g, Binance against other cryptos or currency. It is still not on the open market yet, but in a pre-market phase when Pi can be traded p2p only. So the listed prices are just estimates by the exchanges. Nontheless the fact that it is already listed on several exchanges tells us that they are expecting it to become a valuable coin at some point. I will tell you when the open network starts, inform you whether they keep their schedule and give you feedback on your data. I formulated the target to be for international trade on crypto exchanges, so your curve should only be valid from the start of the open mainnet. The target time was the end of NEXT year. So the your curve might possibly be the first year or so. We will see... I am still sure, this was a full hit. Cheers!