Tossing up another target here... similar instructions as before.
Long-Meditation if possible before starting session(s).
Sketches from Session(s) #3 and onwards.
Listening to binaural-beats that move you into the Theta-Wave may also be useful (possibly).
You may write down just the first 4-8 parts of the Target-Number when starting out.
Keep submissions restricted to sending e-mail to [email protected]
That or you can also «Link» submissions here to avoid «Front-Loading» others.
Once you are on Pass #3 if you get that far, then, try to sketch what you perceive if possible.
Take as much time as you feel like you need as well as number of sessions to complete your submissions. Use which-ever protocols you wish to use, but, I do prefer ASRV if possible, and, for this particular target, most of all, try to have fun with doing the sessions for this particular target.
Estimated Difficulty Rating : This will be revealed to Viewers upon receiving any submissions.
The actual Target may still be held off if submission consists of less than 4 passes.
From most-difficult (estimated) to easiest I have decided to designate the following ranks...:
EX = Most-Challenging of All (potentially impossible)
SSS = Extremely challenging, but, should be do-able with enough patience (probably)
SS = Also highly difficult, but, a team of the world's top remote-viewers should be able to pull it off.
S = High-difficulty, but, amazing stuff on the level-of-detail that we have seen Aziz Brown pull off.
A = Difficult, but, anybody who has been «certified» can probably do the Target with good results.
B = Average for experienced Remote-Viewers.
C = A bit more complexity than the lower-ranks, but, not so detailed as to need many passes.
D = Should be fairly easy to do even only a pass or two.
E = Simple & quick & is likely to be completed in a very short amount of time (training levels).
F = Beginner-Level stuff... probably. Feel free to take even «random» guesses just because.