Hi Courtney,
I was recently responsible for this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/comments/hlryhw/experiments_using_rv_to_find_better_rv_methods/
"I'm just wondering if anyone has attempted to use RV to find better RV methods or just anything to improve performance?
This is a fairly new practice that still isn't accepted in mainstream science yet so who really knows what the full limits and potential are?
I have high respect for SRI and the decades that they have put in to develop CRV and other methodologies, but I doubt we have achieved the 'above all end all' techniques to push this ability to it's absolute limit.
That said, considering the amazing results that are often produced by black belt masters of RV, have any of them tried to RV ways to improve RV? It seems like you could end up with a psychic singularity."
I wanted to know if you had done any work like this? I've heard you could potentially use High G training centrifuges to induce OOBE or RVing under a pyramid. I would very much like to hear your thoughts on a 'Psychic Singularity'/'peak psychic'