This story first came out on Coast to Coast am several years ago. It may be a hoax but i thought maybe there was some truth to it. The story goes that a 12 - 15ft red headed giant came out of a cave while an army unit was searching for a missing soldier. He attacked the unit so they fired several rounds and eventually killed him. The story is still widely available if anyone is interested. I just thought that it would be an interesting target.
Giant killed in Afghanistan
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Kevin G
Antonio Hernandez
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The "kandahar giant" ! Would have loved to see this as a time cross episode. Giants have always fascinated me
Yes! Me too. I wondered if there could have been a race of these giants in stasis underground. There used to be a lot of stories of settlers finding bones of giants. I believe the Smithsonian has many and has hid them.
Trisha Kaschalk