Who built it and why? I guess we can already guess why, but maybe what do they know that we aren't privy too? How far up the pyramid are they are who are they connected to? Yeah it's rather trivial in comparison to these other great projects but something about it makes me uncomfortable.
Georgia Guidestones
@Trisha Kaschalk wrote:
> maybe what do they know that we aren't privy too?
Atlanta is under an Vortex, much like Las Vegas although it has a different type of Energy. This was mentioned in the November 2020 Bashar Zoom call when it was mentioned specifically.
Let's look and see what the GuideStones are about:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
* Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. *
There is an idea that there is only 280,000 or so 'Oversouls'. I honestly do not know the details on this. But there is an idea that although there however many billion people on the planet, there are a limited number of oversouls manifesting incarnations. Think Trees and Branches.
500-million is a better quality of life for fewer, rather than stretching Human life and life quality to the extent that it is marginal.
* Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.*
We are seeing the introduction of this under Covid-19 with the "No Dancing/No Partying" rules. The centuries of romp are finished.
A Smartphone app for the old 'F*rnication U*der C*nsent of the K*ng' ? [would have been a funny thing to say once but it's now a 'regulated topic' :-( which proves the point.] Will this be enforced with Computer Surveillance as written about in the old '1984' Novel?
* Unite humanity with a living new language.*
No doubt coming soon.
* Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. *
Sounds like Farsight (? - eek - :-) )
* Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. *
That is welcome.
* Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. *
* Avoid petty laws and useless officials. *
* Balance personal rights with social duties. *
Who would disagree.
* Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.*
I think that is a better aspiration than being in servitude to some angry ET Beings without compassion for Humanity.
* Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.*
The last one makes it sound like a 'Channeled" message.
It all sounds like 10 New Commandments.
I think people’s main concern is how is the going from 7 billion+ right now to half a billion.
The rest of it sounds fine.
The answer would be that there are multiple Timelines and in some Timelines it will and in some it won't.
There isn't any reason why the Earth can't hold the number of people that it has now.
If you listen to Courtney's December 2020 News it is made very clear that the World that we live on is terribly mismanaged compared to what it should be. We all know it.
To answer the question directly, there are two ways that this could happen if it were to happen in your timeline. Option A is that "Ships" could arrive and people could be packed into them and moved somewhere else (as we saw described in the Farsight Venus video). Option B is that Humanity goes to war with itself based upon believing 'self-fulfilling prophecy" of the Book of Revelation and a large number of people are wiped off.
Remember, "we decide".
You can campaign in a Ghandi'sh sort of way for your country not to go to war with any other country on the grounds presented by Courtney. You can post on Social Media against the need for War etc. This will have an effect on Humanity and provide a way for many to choose a reality that they would prefer that would be better for Humanity.
If nothing else, support Courtney Brown in his campaign.
Hi David. Thanks for good analysis. Agree & disagree on some comments and others like you I just don’t know. Time will tell. Daz Smith recently did on remote viewing on the Guidestones and was interviewed on the results by Ed Riordan. You can watch it on his YT channel. Very interesting.
I disagree that everything sounds fine other than killing 6 or 7 billion. I think all the points are likely to have evil intent.
I have never heard where these came from or who was responsible other than Ted Turner was a suspect because he lived close by and was taped agreeing ( I am paraphrasing) to a comment the world population should be reduced to about 2 Billion.
The reason I think the other statements are evil is after they kill 6 or 7 billion and they say fair and just they have different definitions than what is traditionally thought of as fair and just.
My question more specifically relates to why the guidestones were built in the first place. Did they know that Earth is ready for another cataclysm?
We know there was a ton of money sunk into this project so I'm sure it wasn't some art project.
Then I question who commisioned the work? They were obviously in the know. So who gave them the information?
Trisha Kaschalk wrote:
> My question more specifically relates to why the guidestones were built in the first place. Did they know that Earth is ready for another cataclysm?
It's a good question.
Farsight haven't so far been very forthcoming in providing labels on the different ET groups. Not even a "Group A" & "Group B" and I'm not suggesting that they need to.
So you may have to do your own homework to assign what you think are the appropriate labels.
From the information that you have. I'd suggest you could start by working out the probability that it's from one of the two major ET groups? Then if it isn't one of the major groups, logic would dictate that it would have to be from one of the more minor 146 groups. That might be harder.
In terms of clues, you have "10 Laws". That might be a clue.
Are there any Farsight video's where 10 Laws are involved? The only ones that I can think of is "Beyond Exodus" and the "Ra" videos.
If it is any assistance, there were also apparently 10 Noahidic Laws that preceded Judaism with the 10 Commandments and there were also 10 Laws in that. A clue?
The 10 Laws are obviously changing and being upgraded along with the degree of sophistication of our Society.
Hope this helps :-) Good luck with your searching.
Thank you David. That's an interesting perspective.
this was a monument to the new world order, they were built by a group of men, ted tuner, buffett, murdock, etc.. primarily media mogul types... ted turners name is all over this...
anyway its destruction is a direct message that the new world order is failed, and we enter the most dangerous period....
Yes. According to the news I have watched this week, this is what is known.
The security camera filmed a car approach, and a person got out and proceeded to the stones.
Moments later after the person left the stones were blown up.
Police are looking for the car, I believe it was silver or gray and the incident happened under the cover of darkness.
The video footage captured the car and the person wearing clothes to hide their identity.
Town mayor says the stones will be rebuilt.
Thanks Mark. If they were indeed created for the benefit of humanity I hope that they will be rebuilt.
adam, my friend, please try to understand.... these are NOT for your benefit!!! these people want you dead... please wake up, we need you.
IS-BEs can't die.
your body dies....
Yes, it's a good thing I am not my body.
"* Balance personal rights with social duties. *"
this.... this right here is straight up communism... most things on that list are marxist, but this detail should raise the hair on your neck...
Jon, do you perceive yourself to be an IS-BE?
yes i am a multidimensional being incarnated in a body at the final days of earth... how about you? where are you on your journey?
I'm poised to inherit the Earth after it's been cleansed of all I find unattractive.
Thanks for sharing Thanos😃
Farsight needs to rv this
for the record, i know what is-be means, but it still kinda feels like a term for sheeple to me...
is-be is a made-up cult term.
Farsight has become cultish.
Listen to the lastest ET News intro ... if that is not a Cult Sermon ... i do not know what is.
And these people that revel in accepting being an is-be and therefore for cannot die ...
what good does that do for the current - our present-time physical life that I am enjoying with my physical family and friends.
The physical does not seem to be important to these persons who espouse, "i cannot die, I am an is-be!"
Such a flippant attitude.
I have been here since day # 2 of FarsightPrime. Long, long before many here.
Courtney offered a great future for Prime but that was then. Alas, he hasn't followed through on his commitment to subscribers.
FarsightPrime has been hijacked by Courtney's personal ET quest.
And the ET News sermon ... reminding of being a kid in Sunday church.
Becoming cultish.
ISBE. Sounds so Scientologisty.
Oh wait!
Hi Craig
Did not know you have followed Courtney as long as I have. Believe it was in 99 that I read Cosmic Voyage. Have you read it? At worst a good science fiction read.
No interest in arguing or convincing you of anything. Don’t think possible. It’s as though you keep seeing this through a religious or cult lens. Even if Courtney comes across that way there are very few members here that would accept it blindly. Just look at the debate on so many forum topics here.
What may have seemed impossible to us at times later is understandable. Yes and some often remains some pure BS. We figure out what resonates, explore it and try to experience it. That is the BS meter. I remember a tenet from ACIM where it says application not concept, experience not religion.
Hope you and your family are well.
Not a very compelling RV session by Daz. I couldn't watch the whole thing so quit about halfway. So dull, vague, meaningless. He seems to have been totally off the mark on the "living language" intention.
Starting around 15:25 min, Linda describes what is considered a classic, fundamental IS-BE realization experience. It is the experience where one realizes that s/he is more than a physical body. However, this is not to say that the physical body is not important... It is just not the end of the story...