Please do a session on the loud booms coming from underground. I personally have experienced then followed by loud metal scraping noises. They are aworld wide decade long phoenamenon that has been occuring more frequently i believe.
Thank you
I personally think it's coming from all the underground tunneling. They're probably getting ready for some big doomsday event. I also think they must have finished up cause I don't see stories about it anymore.
"They're probably getting ready for some big doomsday event"
I belive that to be the case. I know one of the plans is to start blowing up cities if the Global Communist Police state they have been planning since the 1940's starts to fail and people take to the streets. It is failing and people globally are taking to the streets though it's not covered by mainstram media. Their evil timelines were broken in 2016/2017. Everytime they reset them we broke them again. People experienced this as the Mandela effect. I personally heard evangelist Billy Graham die three times. The only one they had left was a meteor strike which won't happen. Note they have a film called Greenland trying to manifest it into being.
Too many people are seeing through the fake virus scam and will refuse the Digital tatoo (nanobot gel) vaccine which they intended to use in conjunction with the 5g death grid to influence, track, harm and even kill people. 5g is a weapon NOT an upgrade of 4g. Note how they were putting up 5g towers globally during the lockdown. They know their plans are being destroyed so they may blow up a few cities if things get serious. Or perhaps they will form part of the fake alien invasion which was the third phase after, World Wars and Terrosism as Werner von Braun warned us. Think building 7 and the controlled demolition attributed to terrorsim. They may attribute destoyed cities to Ufo attacks when they infact have blown them up. They will do anything they can to keep this planet in a low vibration and stop Her from ascending to a higher frequency.
I applaud how awake the above poster is :)
I think there's more, unfortunately, and it's got nothing to do with human leadership. About ever 10-14k years the Earths poles have a magnetic excursion, triggered by the galactic current sheet which triggers sun activity. The event is disruptive to the Earth causing crustal displacement (earthquakes), tsunamis and winds. The effects are seen in the fossil record, see for more info. The coastal cities are particularly at risk.
That excursion has started and is why the magnetic field is weakening exponentially.
At the same time another risk is that as we enter a sunspot maximum a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) similar to the Carrington event could occur - this one would be bad luck. With our weakened protection because of the magnetic sphere changes, it's impact would be worsened.
So there's other reasons that the old nuclear war underground cities from WWII would be nice to have expanded and linked. Food supply would still be an issue and most of the population would not fit or want to go or be feedable, they'd pick based on priority, but I think they're trying.
For the rest of us, It's a decade or two away but a hobby farm in the mountains isn't a horrible idea. MY RVing indicates that aliens have and will pick up some humans to wait it out. The aliens underground shouldn't have much of an issue as long as the earthquakes don't break their caverns. :)
Oh, one other thing, if my information is correct, extreme caution is advised for some of those boom events. The one's in the UK could possibly be connected to the demolition of tunnels used for child trafficking, if you believe Charlie Ward. This risks scenes that could emotionally and psychologically traumatise a viewer.
Viewers need to be protected from harm as much as possible, it's not all fun and games.
Where such booms happend?
Do you have and GPRS or geological data, be precise.