The actual cutting and coming into #2.
They pin pointed the exact process of creating home sapien sapien but fall short of
Who why when how etc...
Which visitor did the actual procedure
The moment of manipulatin the #2 genoe(sp) in the
Suggestions for New Projects
· 2 replies
Interesting topic, wel the short answer it was about gold mining operation, Sakarya stitchin wrote books about that, alien race of Anunaki needed brute force to extract gold.
What i personally interested:
1. Remote viewer should review the moment of DNA home sapien sapien creation
2. Remote viewer should discover reasons why human DNA was created , who is behind
3. Remote viewer should estimate when the human DNA was created
4. Remote viewer should describe any alien influence which cause mutation in the human DNA, if such mutation can be observed by the remote viewer
Justine Marie DaFermo
Have you watched Paul Wallis site, The Fifth Kind? I would love to put Paul Wallis and Courtney Brown together!