Natalie - I agree - the human heads of the snake are still alive - but the grid that was used by the Hive Mind to communicate through is now broken. Communication is cut and dying.
But I think we have always known its up to us to do this job on Earth
As I say: You/Me/We are here at this time, in this space, because we chose to be.
Lets Do This.
The following is a transcript of Elena Danaans recent message relating to what you have pointed out -
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Youtube: ‘Message from our Galactic Friends’
9th November 2021
The following is my transcript of the words of Elena Danaan - please excuse any mistakes in the transcript, I will fix corrections needed - please advise.
(Credit - Elena Danaan)
Youtube: ‘Message from our Galactic Friends’
9th November 2021
Time has come when we really need to do the job we are supposed to do. Taking care of ourselves, standing up in our rights and fighting back the darkness - Our part of the job.
Extra-terrestrials take care of the extra-terrestrials - invaders.
Humans take care of humans.
During all these years, there's been psyops spread on social medias, notably, drawing all the consciousnesses of people who are just awakening, in fake cults and psyops - telling people that something else, or someone else was going to come and save them. Taking resonance in the old legends and the religions of human race such as the return of Jesus, the revival of Ascended Masters, which had nothing to do with these Ascended Masters. Myths, hijacked. Religions, Saints, hijacked – although, certain religion had already set up the plans two thousand years ago and more.
It is now time to crack up the matrix that we are maintaining because I am telling you, the mass tricks is now disconnected from The Hive of the Grey’s.
May I just explain to you in more details.
In the Orion nebula it is called ‘The Hive’. It's a cluster. This cluster is a cube - it is a Portal.
And in this portal lies an interdimensional consciousness which is the heart of the Hive of the Grey’s - the Orion Grey’s.
Now you all know now that all Greys are not part of the Orion evil collective. There's a lot of grey cultures who are very nice and very spiritually evolved - I’m not talking about these ones. I’m talking about the Orion assholes who have colonized earth in the 1940’s – these ones, the Eban from Betelgeuse - the Greyals from Rigel - their Allies; Maitra from Andromedan Galaxy and Killy Tokurt from Vela, and all their slaves from Zeta Reticuli - that's the principal actors. These ones had signed to enslave human race, tricking human governments in the 1940’s and 1950’s when it was definitely signed.
The Nebu; the Domain, the Dominions, the Minion - does that ring a bell, this name Dominion? For certain it will.
The Galactic Federation of Worlds has taken care of kicking these little assholes out of our planet, out of our star system. They've caught their officers and disconnected - cracked the code - the frequency code of the Hive and disconnected the Hive from everything on earth.
That happened when a few social medias were connected to the Hive, just bugged.
Now the Greys had created a Matrix – a Matrix of Illusions and every psychic who wanted to connect to extra-terrestrials, most of them were hacked and were tapping into this dark goo – downloading programs established by the Nebu for an Agenda - at when the moment will be here - Now - all will be activated. The programs will be activated – adornment, beautiful ‘hope beyond’(?) programs - of ‘you're going to be saved’ ‘be nice, behave, as we tell you so’ Downloading huge, long texts - ‘we the Arcturian’s are talking’ – all things like that. Yeah.
Messages - positive messages are short and go straight to the point.
If you need to write an essay to convince someone, there's a trick somewhere.
Anyway, the Galactic Federation of Worlds is now asking every human to do their part of the job. Disconnect from the disconnected, subsiding, Dark Goo, because this Dark Goo is now dying, it's dying, it's in agony because it's disconnected from what was feeding it – mainly, the Hive Grey Queen.
By keeping on tapping into it, you feed it now from your own energy. When (what) this Grey Hive did was, disconnect everyone plugged into it - into the dark group - received a shock or something or felt brutally ill. You felt it. Every one of you who plugged into it, even if you didn't tell anyone, many of you fell. Many of you are sick because of the change of energy. It's like you're feeding off a drug and suddenly it's taken off you. You don't feel well. That's what happened.
Now, I'm asking you to go back to yourselves and not believing anything that is fear, and messages of ‘we're going to save you’.
Okay, I ask you to go within, take back your power. Take back your power! You have the ability to connect to source, to connect to your galactic family (if you're not from here), to connect from your Ancestors (if you're from here). You do not need anyone - any priest, any guru, anyone. Just re-centre, refocus onto yourself.
No one is going to do the job for you. No one is going to raise your frequency for you. No one is going to awaken you, for you, it's an individual process.
No solar or cosmic event is going to come and sort out all your problems. All these predictions, is to make you passive - to make you waiting - and while you wait and your mind is focused about an addiction to a cult, or a prediction, you do nothing. You do not work on yourself. It takes your power away; it takes your sovereignty away.
The Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Andromedan Council and all their Allies they've been taking care of the ET’s - the bad ET’s - the Nebu, the Reptilians with your alliance (that that was the main actor on earth) – Perfect, the earth alliance kicked them out.
But now the extra-terrestrials are not going to change our governments. They are not going to stand for our liberties. It's us to do. Stand up! Do not consent to be used anymore. Do not consent to be fear manipulated. Your body, your own - Your life, your own - Your consciousness, your own.
Now, as High Commander Ardana said to me – (a) message I passed on recently – “It is up now to the humans to put the last stone on the monuments of their victory.”
What are you waiting for?
Always in love.
end transcript.