Hi, could we start like a meetup or if this has been done already, post as a forum category or link in one of the main webpages about finding a local SRV collective? I want to start collaborating with others in my city of Vancouver. I'm finding it's hard to just get into it unless I'm joining a like-minded group. It's hard to find this over meetup, and I'd especially like to meet those that are following Farsight. Anyhow, billboard for finding local SRVers . . . if that's not already been done here. Thanks.
Community forum for SRV practice & training
Don't know about meetups.
I had thought of asking for a forum specifically for the Farsight Voyager SRV Course. As I re-watch the series, it would be nice to have a separate forum (other than general) in which to converse. Otherwise, we could simply preface posts in GENERAL FARSIGHTPRIME DISCUSSIONS with SRVcourse. They would be easy enough to spot there.
I would not suggest putting your contact info on the forum. Letting others in the forum know that you want to set up a "Farsight SRV meetup group" in your city could possibly work. I don't have any idea on finding people willing / able to work together for Farsighter / Monitor pairings. Although I do not know if it really matters that you are in same town, if you can work together remotely.
What do you think, CB?
Thank-you Jusst Mee, that's very much my angle.
Nothing special. Like maybe one more category eg: "local meetups". Possibly a google map feature if you want to get a little more nifty. I know you're stretched for time so the former more than the latter.
A dedicated forum here at FS would help but what I would really like to see is an upgraded forum. Its necessary - and it would be great to have this happen sooner than later.
Vimeo is less than optimal for me. But that's me.
You are correct in that. I wonder about the ability to create a backup of this existing vimeo forum. If / When Vimeo drops Farsight, then this forum would certainly be irretrievable.
I wonder about tools could be available to port this forum elsewhere. Manually scraping this forum posts for backup purposes would be a start. I suppose we could each back up the threads we follow. It's crude, but browser's "save as html" does give viewable content, albeit frozen-in-time.