This is what Aziz was saying at the introduction of the current December ET News.
It explains the information in the Remote Viewing Sessions - how they came across the information on ETs and how they have built on it (through Remote Viewing) to expand and validate the information, and then hand that on to those willing to listen.
And yes, Aziz did point to holding back information.
Most predictive Viewers of many disciplines will filter their work - not just Remote Viewers - but many also wont tell you that or expand on the reasons why. Aziz at least broached the subject.
I'm not saying I don't agree with you - the basis of all public 'disclosure' is wrapped up in the same cotton wool. People are less willing to keep intelligent engagement levels high and ask questions about the information if there is not response mechanism by which we can communicate thoughts and get clarification.
Anyhow, here's what Aziz said: (excuse any mistakes - there's always some I just don't see)
Friends, some people have been asking us here at Farsight about the types of projects we have done of late. In particular some people would like for Farsight to show more positive content where extra-terrestrials are involved - that is to say, they want to know about extra-terrestrials, but they also want to hear about good stuff, happy stuff, uplifting stuff, and of course we all want to hear good things. But I thought I would take a moment to explain why Farsight is doing what it is doing with regard to our findings.
You see, there is a problem. The reality is that Farsight started out years ago thinking that the only thing that needed to be done was to show people that remote viewing is real, and along the way we discovered that there were real extra-terrestrials, and they were visiting earth, end of story. Farsight thought that humans just need to wake up to the fact that extra-terrestrial life existed, and once that happened the job of awakening humanity would be over, done, finished.
Well as it turned out we discovered a huge amount about the extra-terrestrials visiting earth over the years and no one was more surprised about all the negative stuff that extra-terrestrials were doing than the people here at Farsight. In fact, for years the people at Farsight resisted the idea that the extra-terrestrials could do anything bad, so the awakening for people here at Farsight was years of the making. And it was harder on many people here at Farsight than most people outside of Farsight could imagine.
So here is the problem that we face. We now know that humanity has been involved in a dramatic space opera stuff for longer than anyone can imagine. We now know that earth has been operated as a prison for a long time, and that the dominant activities of many extra-terrestrials has been over the millennia to exploit humans for all sorts of nefarious purposes. Let me state in the bluntest of terms what is going on as best as we have seen it.
The Orion’s and reptilians look at earth and humanity as a motherlode of resources. There is abundant life on earth. Resources of all types from minerals, a breathable atmosphere, and huge numbers of people. Let's focus on the people for a minute.
There are between seven and eight billion people physically incarnated here on earth. Now just imagine how many other people exist in the earth reincarnational system. If there are seven to eight billion physical humans here, there must be billions of other people who are in the wings so to speak, but not yet in physical bodies.
Remember at Farsight we call all people IS-BE’s, and an IS-BE is a person who IS simply to BE.
Now some IS-BE’s have bodies, and some IS-BE’s don’t have bodies. It does not matter but what we do know is that every physical living thing in this universe that moves around or is animated, has an IS-BE inside of it doing the animation.
Many people would call this an inner thing like a soul but we like to call it an IS-BE rather than a soul since it puts the emphasis on the IS-BE being the primary thing not something that someone may hope exists you don't have a soul you are the soul or the IS-BE and you happen to have a body the body is totally inconsequential to your existence it is like a wrapper just like a car something that you will one day discard and it's not a big thing.
But let's go back to there being billions and billions of IS-BE’s here on earth in the reincarnational system.
You see since everything that is animated in the universe needs an IS-BE’s to animate it, then IS-BE’s are really useful for many, many, species. Many extra-terrestrials want to control IS-BEs in order to do stuff so IS-BE’s traps have become a really important part of life in our galaxy. Lots of extra-terrestrials want to trap IS-BEs in order to feed their commerce, and yes, we are talking about outright slavery. From mercenary slave armies, to labour, to prostitution, to everything else. If you want someone to do something anything you need an IS-BEs to animate a physical body in order to do that thing, period, there is no other way to do it so, think about it.
Here is a planetary system that is filled with billions and billions of captive IS-Bes. Most inhabited planets have populations in the hundreds of millions, not billions. There are huge numbers here – huge! This place is a cash cow in IS-BE terms. This is why the Orion’s and the Reptilians like it here. They are rich on the level of IS-BE’s as long as they stay in control here. The only real threat that they face is the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and they work around that threat by playing off the self-imposed rules that the Galactic Federation of Worlds has; to not interfere with societies where the societies voluntarily do things including selling themselves into slavery.
That is why the Orion’s, and the Reptilians went through so much trouble to dupe Americans and other national military people into signing agreements allowing them to build underground facilities on earth. It is also why Farsight has made such a big deal about calling those agreements null and void since they were made in secret and never made public. It is like someone putting you in debt without ever telling you what they are doing.
Imagine your neighbour signing a paper putting you into thousands and thousands of dollars of debt, and you never knew anything about it. Would you actually owe that debt? People could then say ‘well, here is the paper in black and white that says you owe this amount of money’ - all you could do is to then say that you didn't sign the paper and you had nothing to do with it. But in the absence of you fighting back some debt collection agencies would likely try to come after you to force you to pay. Well, that is exactly what many human leaders did to humanity. Secretly they signed agreements that sold humanity to the worst possible extra-terrestrials, and it has been downhill ever since.
Now we are fighting back that is where Farsight has found itself. We are more than a Remote Viewing business - we are Freedom Fighters. Now look at everything of value that you see from money to property, to crypto currencies, to stocks, to bonds, to anything else, someone always wants it. Always!
Well, humanity is a thing of value and there are those who want to control it. Now if we actually told you the details of everything that we find out there it could get everyone really depressed and that would lower your vibration and make you vulnerable to the very extra-terrestrial societies and species that we are trying to liberate humanity from. But if we don't tell you anything, then nothing will change, and the entire planet will remain in a slave farm. So, we are in a delicate position.
To obtain freedom, the secrecy has to end but to gain true freedom there must also be hope and inspiration added to the mix you have to know that we are winning that we can win that the outcome can be and will be positive but to all of that you must begin to know what is actually happening up there and down here on earth you have to know the truth
That is one of the reasons why we like you to see our defiant spirit here at Farsight. It is okay if people laugh at us, it is okay if you call us deluded, it is okay if you want to live in a dreamy positive world that is high as a kite. But you need to see that we are brave and that we are looking at everything and anything right in the face to see the truth. You have to see that we are not afraid - that this is the real gift of Farsight to humanity - the knowledge that you can see, and the truth without fear. What humanity needs most of all is bravery. We hope truthfully that you see this quality in us, and when you see this in us, we hope that we inspire you to similarly be brave so you can look the truth in the eyes and in the process gain freedom for yourself and everyone else.