I recently viewed an interview of a person telling of experiencing transformative effects of being in the great pyramid. I consider that in remote viewing the viewer can feel and experience what happens at or with a target. I'd like to see if one could, through remote "Being" actually cause the viewers body to undergo physical changes. This could be applied in many ways. It would be awesome to experience the effects of the great pyramid in Egypt. Similarly, I have heard of 0yramid therapy/healing in Russia. One should be able to target a healing pyramid remotely to heal oneself. One should be able to target a biological cell and go through it's operations and function and use it to cause change/healing/evolution in the viewers body. One should be able to target information such as the Akasiac record and incorporate/experience it, etc.
Remote Being
Suggestions for New Projects
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I believe Courtney & team will agree with me on this, but I think "Remote Viewing" is just the term we ended up with because of military strategy tugging on a chord that goes much deeper. Even the term "Cosmic Consciousness" is still limiting by suggesting a sensory more than direct control. The best term I can think of to describe what's really going on is Cosmic Power. ESP, RV, Psychic healing, telekinesis. All just variations of cosmic power. But I guess the best way to open our cosmic power is to start with meditation and RV because it at least gives us fairly quick physical evidence that it actually exists.