Recently i found that there exist an idea of galactic internet.
So lets assume such network exist.
Remote viewer should describe following
1. The creators of the galactic internet
2. Where are the most high bandwidth transfers
3. Describe the reasons behind such networks
4. Describe who currently and in the past operates them
5. Describe if there any nodes in our solar system.
6. Describe what would happen if humans get connected to it.
Galactic Internet
Just an instant response without any research - RV is like a transcendental Internet. Remote Viewers are accessing something like an intergalactic or intra-universal (maybe trans-universal) 'library' of knowledge and experiences including mind to mind contacts as the events occur whether in the past, present or future relative to our time perception. They don't just perceive an event but can interact with the beings involved. However Remote Viewers do not get to go on a search binge but await targets decided by someone else.
I wonder if you mean there might be some form of network analogous to our binary-electronic systems for data to be transmitted and received across the Galaxy? As there are many warring factions I suspect that competing groups have their own secure methods for accessing and transmitting data. It may be the case that information transfer is also incredibly subtle as information can be hidden and disguised in a myriad ways. I am thinking of things in quantum theory like entanglement. Altering an element of a linked or entangled system - say one of a pair of linked or entangled photons alters its partner instantly even if it is the other side of the universe.
Perhaps ETs have techniques to create telepathy matrices for the accumulation, sharing and development of data?
So - initially I would say that it would be important to understand if the ETs have a problem that a galactic internet could solve. Such a network could probably cause more problems than it might solve especially if it was easy to access across ET civilisations.
I am intrigued by things like SETI which works so hard to find ET communications emanating from light years away while our skies are full of UFOs that are presumably not using energy transfers on the electromagnetic spectrum to organise themselves and keep in touch but perhaps someone should look just in case. Of course the SETI project does not acknowledge the existence of ETs all around us all the time.
Courtney is often saying how we humans have a highly developed culture especially in the Arts that other civilisations seem to lack. I wonder if this is a consequence of our lack of telepathy. We have designed our own ways of communicating things that simply cannot be encapsulated in language. Telepaths would see such depictions as crude and inefficient as well as unpredictable in their impacts. Controlling type cultures would especially loath and fear anything that is ambiguous in its meaning and where ambivalence creeps into the production and consumption of the meanings.
Food for thought and mind experiments.
So - just some thoughts triggered by your questions.
With the "moving crop circle" indicating CERN is opening a Portal? There are Draco Reptilian's headed our direction in cloaked ships! Is there anything else that Sleepy Joe doesn't know?
People lets just wait and see, when someday somebody from Farsight will remote view this target.
RV requires a consciousness, technology needs a system or systems.
Please consult this CIA document:
It was written in the context of their Stargate project (also RV) and is the most conclusive and logical explanation I've ever seen.
There is a hall containing each ones Accashic record of incarnations, used each time when re-incarnationg. Explaining the gay/lesbein transgender/transexuals. This planet though referred to as a Prison planet is the last one for re-incarnating spirits before their final day of self-judgement.
Tom Campbell and Itzhak Bentov both claim that any information can be instantly retrieved through direct conscious contact with the Greater Consciousness System, this is not an intellectual process though as it requires quieting the judging mind to find the still silent awareness at the core of our being and then engage with loving openness to receive that which would be most beneficial to the overall evolution of the greater system of which we are all a part of. The goal seems to be to reduce the over all entropy and to create harmony, to have a rhythmic balanced interchange between us and All that Is, which we each are fundamentally. Thou art that.