There have been reports in some circles about an exile planet to where the most dangerous elements on Earth are being taken to. Since Earth was originally set as a prison planet itself this is not surprising. However, there are a number of questions of interest that should be addressed and can be so only through remote viewing at present:
1) Is it really happening systematically and towards one particular planet or is it just a perception derived from the many individual ordinary cases where beings from this world are being taken somewhere else?
If it is happening then:
2) Who is doing it? One or more groups? If more than one then why are they cooperating?
PS.: The above is more important than it looks like because this could be a case where both the ETs willing to free Earth and the ETs willing to keep it as a prison could cooperate. The former groups since it is in their interest to remove the most dangerous elements from this planet so in a case of open revolt the destruction will not be widespread and since it will make things easier to sort after the planet has been freed. Whereas the latter groups have an interest in preventing these more dangerous individuals from seeking open revenge keeping those who would focus instead on renovating and moving forward, and in hopes a more docile population is easier to control so they would not lose the planet to begin with.
If it is mostly to one planet in particular then:
3) Where to and what are the conditions there?
4) How is the transport being made? Are only the Is-Bes themselves being transferred or bodies or more things are also being moved?
5) When Earth was first populated as a prison planet did the same happen to it?
If the the answer to the above question is yes then:
6) What was the original planet from where the first exiles were taken from?
7) What was happening there that led to such a transfer?
PS.: The above is a crucial question. If it happened due to the same reasons facing Earth now then the way things developed there are of interest to us as we can learn from their experience.
8) What are the conditions there now?