While two major groups of ETs, refereed to here as authoritarian and free will ETs, are a reasonable categorization for our immediate concerns, these groups are not airtight. For instance, even between the free will ETs there is a significant distinction between two subgroups, the Domain which is highly pragmatic (kind of a Noocracy) and the Galactic Federation which is more free spirited (kind of Libertarian). That is to cite the two groups most commonly mentioned here.
Likewise, the authoritarian group has two notable subgroups often refereed to here as the Reptilians and the Orions. In this case it is clear that one is obviously in the way of the other and only due to third party interferences they are not in open conflict. If I am not mistaken Aziz here in one of the projects even described both ships he was perceiving as hating each other, but still working together. Sorry but I am unable to recall when exactly at the time of writing this.
This being the case then, pretty much like the Reptilians are headquartered in the US, with joint bases and everything, and are shielded by extensive deals with the US government and military, the Orions must also be headquartered here on Earth under some other umbrella. And, who knows, maybe also other probably smaller groups besides these two.
Of note and more importantly, if they are indeed controlling distinct regions then, while it is to be expected that they will still push in a seemingly unified direction towards distractions and destabilization, they will certainly do so in a manner designed to further enhance their sphere of control. Some of the clear possibilities that exemplify this are the Chinese US disputes if they are not caused by manipulative efforts but instead in cooperation with the respective governments and militaries.
Some things to keep in mind:
1) We do not know the state of allegiance between the other Earth governments and these groups even in the cases where there is open "cooperation" underway, it could be anything ranging from a loose agreement to an explicit alliance like in the US case.
2) Worldwide it is likely to be the case that they are cooperating with allied governments to further their manipulative efforts towards other independent targets.
3) It is to be expected that each of these ET subgroups joined distinct and maybe even conflicting alliances of this type by hiding their true intentions from their Earthly counterparts.
Hence I am proposing this project with the goal of identifying which oppressive group is controlling which area in order to allow us to use their differences against themselves and maybe even cause a slip that would trigger disclosure. The main focus of the target being where the Orion subgroup is headquartered or if they are not operating independently any longer. A side target is mapping the spheres of ET influence on Earth.
The above is enough for a project to be devised, but below I will try to list some areas that seem to be, from a geopolitical point of view, majorly under some sort of distinct influence. I believe it makes sense to investigate if they are already explicitly allied to or under the direct control of any authoritarian ET subgroup in any manner. Of note, they way I choose the regions below is due to the project on Putin in large part. Thanks to it we know that Russia is being manipulated so it is not one of their explicit allies nor it is under their direct control and hence it can be left out of the investigation, which, combined with excluding the US since we already know it to be the headquarters of the Reptilians, simplifies things a lot in geopolitical terms.
1 - North Africa and the Middle East (1st because this target could easily be subdivided, but then there would be so many divisions that I choose to keep it as a whole to avoid confusion).
2 - The United Kingdom and its Commonwealth, including Australia and New Zeeland, but excluding African and Asian countries (and islands related to these continents up to Cyprus).
3 - South and South East Asia plus the adjacent islands.
4 - North Korea and China (all of it left from the fall of the Mongolian Empire despite the unresolved state of its civil war after WW2).
5 - Central Asian countries (from Pakistan to Kazakhstan and Mongolia).
6 - Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar.
7 - South Korea and Japan.
8 - Latin America and the Caribbean countries not in the UK Commonwealth nor Brazil.
9 - Brazil.
10 - The countries between the Mediterranean Sea and The Caspian Sea, Cyprus, Iceland and Europe including related overseas territories, except Russia (this target could also be easily subdivided, but to avoid discussions on how to subdivide it I am keeping it together).
11 - Other Pacific Ocean, American and Caribbean countries not listed above.