I would like to know which group or groups of extraterrestrials are operating in Sedona, AZ. Is it an important area for them? There are lots of new age type shops that give out info on the Pleiadean human types. I went on a UFO watch tour there, and in 2 hours we spotted about 40, not the metal ships, but the lights in the sky kind. Later that night I dreamed I was being approached by 2 reptilian aliens. I would just like to know because I am thinking about moving there for all of the great hiking and beautiful landscape painting opportunities, and I want to know what I'm walking into. If anyone else here on the forum can give insight, please let me know.
Sedona, AZ
Seems very interesting. Can you share which tour you took?
It was run by an abductee and ufo researcher named Kim Carlsberg. This was back in 2014 or 2015. While in Sedona I took a spoon bending class with Melinda Leslie (she's been on Coast to Coast AM), and at the time she was also doing tours, but I didn't take hers.
A long time ago I travelled to Sedona from overseas to spend time doing my Spiritual Questing - there was a group of us who travelled together. We also went to South America. Sedona was not actually the place where I had my most UFO sighting experiences. Sedona was where all the energy seemed to swirl - I had some astounding spiritual experiences, but this was a few months of complete personal focus on a specific intent. Once out of the area, then I started to have visions and see the most astounding things.
I hiked Canyon de Chelley and stayed there overnight (had to get permission and have a ranger escort the stay) but the night skies there are amazing, but even more so was the silent landing lights we saw in the area and not that far away. Hugely bright lights!
I don't know what its like there now, but I suggest to get out into areas that are far less trodden.
Sedona though, would be a good base (location wise).