This is a tracking project to keep up with the Authoritarian ETs efforts for the new worldwide deal that would push the Free Will ETs out of the Solar System.
Without going in detail about what exactly the targets are, besides being at probing present time, lets use the coordinates #5375 2225 and #6713 2207, each with movement targets M#, where # is as many as the viewer picked or can keep picking from each of the previous targets.
These are not completely blind targets because of the general idea I am explaining here, but setting the time to the probing present and not getting into the details of the targets should keep things blind enough.
I have the full target descriptions already written in a text file.
I am proposing this because I have been probing this subject and it seems that not only the US already has new deals in effect, more than the big one being proposed, but at least 4 European countries have already signed it. Maybe more worldwide.
These are now willing allies of the Authoritarian ETs who know what is happening and yet are still working with them. Well, not their end game, but also they are not merely being duped nor manipulated, it is an informed free will deal and they had their chance to know better given what they already know, yet they choose to stick to whatever they believe for their own reasons.
This is an extremely important target because if enough countries sign this deal before the full disclosure event then we lose.
Side note: The Authoritarian ETs know that this deal is a critical probing target so it seems they skirted labels like "offered by" or "proposed by" by cleverly letting the US write the deal, propose and promote it on their behalf. So the targets probing this must be carefully written to not directly aim the viewer at the Authoritarian ETs, but instead at things done on their behalf.