I feel like now that Mohammed, Jesus, Death traps have been covered, how about going for the ultimate remote viewing? It would be, of course, the creator. Or at least remote viewing the most highly advanced beings in the universe, to find out what they know of their origins? I understand that there are light beings in this universe that have been around so long, and are so advanced, that they no longer need any type of physical appearance and are in the light realm, so to speak. Light beings, energy beings. Find out what they know, or at least what they understand their actual origin to be.
Remote viewing suggestion - The Creator
Suggestions for New Projects
· 1 reply
Cy Ko
Dance for life
All of us have a hand in the creation of this Universe believe it or not. And what do you mean by Advanced ? Spiritually ? Intellectually ? Technologically ? Biological-Evolution ? The most numbers of reincarnations ? (Although I really wouldn't equate thousands or even hundreds of thousands or even millions of reincarnations to necessarily be a good indicator of one's wisdom; if anything I think they're definitely doing something wrong and have more than a least a few dozen screws loose in the head, err, mind if they keep coming back to this particular same universe which is a universe full of disgrace)