In an effort to motivate people to take action, perhaps you might consider targeting our ultimate goal by showing your audience how true freedom actually looks and feels. Most can’t even imagine our lives outside our backwards paradigm. This could potentially answer questions regarding how civilizations thrive without the use of currency and what their lives are like on a daily basis. IsBe’s might not require incentive, but humans do.
True Freedom
Freedom from and freedom to ...
I think that is very subjectively.
So what is it? Interesting philosophical question.
What do you think it is about?
No land ownership and no governement intervention witch means nature resources and space accessible to everyone for free , if u want a house u just find a place and build it, if u want water u just find a source of clean water and use it if u want food u foorage, Hunt and farm.
@info: I think this would be a very bad for the environment. The population is too big for this. The coastlines are already nearly completely deforested and the natural water resources are overexploited in many places. We live in a work-sharing industry society age and need professional high-yield production to feed the many people. The high yields come with bigger plots and machines. Most places with good soil and suitable climatic conditions are already used or under forest cover. We also need the forests for the water cycle, local climate, clean air, oxygen and so on. If everybody could hunt, the game populations would be gone within a short time.
@Elemi You should watch the documentary called «Kiss the Ground» when you have the chance.
Consider, the fact that we have had over 70+ years worth of scientific-progress and technological-advancements (supposèdly), the productive-capabilities now existing being such that it should easily be possible to provide for the whole entire world in abundance, yet, the homeless number in the literal millions, even in so-called «first-world» America, people are working longer and longer hours just to earn less and barely make ends-meet even when both spouses of a house-hold or even the whole entire family is working full-time or even over-time hours (when one man of a house-hold used to be able to work only 40 hours yet provide for a whole entire family including sending everyone off to college not that colleges are even worth anything now), despite having more knowledge about the mind and the brain the industry of psychiatry is only resulting in even higher-percentages of so-called «mentally ill» amongst the population (not that psychotropics-pushing psychiatry isn't a pseudo-science in of itself), and, you really actually believe the «narratives» that the «world is ending» because of so-called «over-population» ? I really hope not. I have pointed you towards references that might help you look at the situation from a more informed perspective (two more I should mention : The documentaries called «THRIVE» and «THRIVE II» which should be viewable for free... probably !).
I already know most of this stuff and even studied it. Terra Preta, IMOs, agroforestry, alt/free energy, alt. construction materials, CSAs and so on. But most of this is utopical on a global scale from my point of view. I could write many pages about it, but I will give you some examplary thoughts only. Terra Preta (e.g.) is too expensive: even with 3% biochar only and 10l TP soil per m² only it would cost 2,5-3000 €/$ to enrich a whole hectare with it. - Biomass, Basalt/ Diabas powder, composting, earthworms. processing, machines etc. not included. That's economically not senseful. And also not socially. A small incline of the world market prices for wheat or corn will kill hundred thousands of people in developing countries because they cannot afford it any more. These methods may make sense on a small scale, but we need the big production to go on at low cost or people will starve and die due to the change process.
We are somehow dependent on existing systems. Same with "free energy": Let's say you invent a simple device which everybody can build, delivering 20KW at the size of a beer box and you make the patent open source. What happens then? -Stock markets will crash, because many investments in energy production and distribution, which are long-term, will be devaluated and have to be written off. Oil prices (and transport, food, etc.) explode first and then later crash. Market psychology. This will make millions unemployed: Starvation and death among the poorest again. Copper and electronics prices will explode, too (electric motors). And a hunt for other natural resouces will begin, as energy becomes cheap. The capital will seek other ways to keep the value: Minerals, timber, irrigation agriculture (salination), chemical industry -all bad things for the environment. (An elecric chainsaw is cheap as hell ...) The Automotive Industry invested a lot into Lithium - also huge writeoffs. New companies will have less workers, more robots. -unemployment. Major disruptions, crime, run for new resources.
I could go on and on.
These are just two examples, but I hope you got a clue what I mean.
Such a change process must be managed carefully. And this needs a soft change of the existing very strong and resilient and very powerful structures and also change within the mindset of many people first.
Your freedom begins, where my freedom is limited and I have to accept it.
It has to start at industry, banking, military and government level. No secrets there. Limit of ownership/power for international cooperations. Freedom of speech, ownership and privacy for individuals at a senseful and healthy level. Total transparency and severe punishment of corruption for governments. Reduction of the competition for natural resouces. So many tasks to fulfill and utopias to reach ...
As long as children grow up in fear and pressure-driven societies, adults will always seek for a relief of that pressure and this often leads to violence and imbalance in the behavior and egocentric, fear-based decisions. A vicious circle. We have to break it.
But it is deeply inside us, implanted by our parents, religions, schools, politics, etc.
Freedom of and access to information and knowledge / education comes first, then understanding and hopefully positive change ...
Farsight is part of it.
Re & @Elemi
I acknowledge your great deal of intellectual-capability, but, creative-ways do exist to easily solve a variety of world-problems, something that your responses don't seem to indicate that you are aware of based on the assumptions you have made, although you are most-certainly correct that there must be a change in the thinking in people; how-ever, you don't need to change the thinking of the masses, just the thinking of the people who have a great deal of influence and control over the masses who follow them, for, many people do exist who will believe what-ever their role-model or idol or hero thinks or says or believes; alas, FEW people if any who are deemed «important» have had the wisdom-and-insight to lead their «flocks» towards truthful-reality, and, the «system» itself (any of the systems really) only needs to change spiritually, but, THAT requires a COMPLETE and TOTAL ABOLISHMENT of the «Satanic-Text» written as and called «Legislation» that are treated as «Scripture» (the «government» itself _being_ a «religion» with its modern-day «scribes» being called «legislators» and its «inquisition-chambres» being called «court-rooms» and the accused are expected to «confess their sins» via «pleading guilty» and the acting «magistrates/pseudo-judges» who declare «sentencing/incarceration» upon the so-called «guilty/accused/dangerous-conspiracy-theorist» are akin to the «Pope» who declares judgement for «ex-communication» upon the so-called «sinner/heretic» and, when a system looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, eats like a duck, drinks like a duck, flies like a duck, poops like a duck, pees like a duck, fu**s like a duck, acts like a duck, and is even DEFINED as a freaking duck in its very own Legal-Definitions, then damn straight am I going to be calling it a duck, just like Government possesses every Element that puts it Square into the Category of a Religious-Cult).
Regarding the «Economy» and «Financial-Systems» I am going to drop some links about both Banking and Currencies that were written by the very Messiah himself as follows...
...then, when it comes to the «Creative-Solutions» that would fix many of the world problems, rather easily at that, were it not for the corruption and sin (negative-emotions) within man, please find and read a copy of the book : «The Myth of the Robber Barons» written by author Burt Folsom, Jr.
@elemi with necessary skills we can create everything from either even water ancestral tribes did magic to bring rain or the sun u dont even need technology because the universe is made of conscience and beings in it can create with their mind, so resourses are infinite.