Hi Farsight team, it would be interesting to do the same research you did into the Pope with the leaders of the Mormon church, or Later Day Saints. Looking at who was Joseph Smith, legitimate prophet or coward, and today’s leaders. And their knowledge about the crucifixion…that would be very interesting…
I actually personally know some Mormons who would be interested in learning about what Remote-Viewing uncovers about Joseph Smith and his discovery of the Golden-Plates; many of my most-interesting conversations always seemed to be with Mormons; amongst what I consider to be the most-legendary of conversations that I wished could have been recorded on camera or at least audio was when I was visited by some Mormon-Missionaries back when I lived at Renton, Washington.
Regardless of the various claims about the history of the Mormon church/religion, I have found that Mormons tend to be a lot more open and receptive to hearing alternate-truths and perspectives, rather than trying to dogmatically cram some dogmatic belief-system down everyone's throats, for at least all of the ones whom I have personally met and encountered, anyway. Mormons also apparently used to be severely persecuted, even though most people do not know about this history of this country, according to whom I consider to be an insider-patriot source, and is apparently a major reason as to why they ended up fleeing to and ending up concentrated around Salt-Lake-City, Utah...
Aéius Cercle, I can validate your observations. Every group has their problems, but LDS have an enlightenment or a spirit which is difficult to find in other general groups of people. The only one I can really think of, is the Disclosure movement. I think there is a nexus. While I don't miss religion, I do miss other things about the LDS community.
Laurent, Joseph Smith was many things, but a coward he was not.
Just as an example, he did not have to return to Nauvoo to stand trial (whether the charge was legitimate or not), as he knew that would lead to almost-certain death. The reason he fled Nauvoo in the first place, was because of attempts and threats on his life. But it was actually the members of the church who requested he return to stand trial, because Latter Day Saints believe in free speech, and free press, and you see that even today, in that LDS do not try to silence, ban, or de-platform even visciously vehement critics--even when they are claiming factually incorrect things (which happens very frequently). Smith believed he'd be murdered, and said this, and he was, in fact, murdered--in prison (and it wasn't just him they tried to kill). Unlike Epstein, they didn't call it a suicide. He never stood trial. Before he returne, he had already crossed the Mississippi river, and was on his way to Utah with hardy men. He may have made mistakes, but he was not a coward.
Immediately after Smith's martyrdom (along with his brother), the governor of Missouri, who had previously lied to Smith, telling him he'd been wrongfully imprisoned, and that he'd get him out of prison, gave a a formal, governent-issued executive order called the "Extermination Order", which (illegally and immorally, of course) ordered all Latter Day Saints in the state to leave the state, or be killed ("exterminated"). This is historical fact which is not disputed. The State of Missouri only formally apologised for it in the 1980s or 1990s! My understanding is there is still a lot of land in Missouri, which is not legally owned, because it was stolen from LDS who were forced from their homes, and squatters settled the land. That land has been passed down for generations, and is not legally resolved. Also, not all Latter Day Saints went to Utah. There were multiple schisms, and actually many forks of "Mormonism" formed then, and after.
By the way, the biggest (not sole, but most controversial) thing the Latter Day Saints were persecuted for, to the point of violence, was their limited practice of polygamy, which any holdouts who still practice it are still persecuted for--meanwhile, it is totally tolerated when anyone else in America has multiple partners--from Muslims, to polyamorists, to simple cheaters, and even the extremely promiscuous who spread diseases. Literally none of them are thrown in prison, the way "Mormons" are, for exactly the same thing, or even worse. Orgies/sex parties are legal in America, even celebrated, and they do happen. You can cut off the genitals of screaming children, call it your "religious right" (or "just a choice"), and give it the nice name of "circumcision", and that's legal everywhere in the world but Iceland, even though innocent children die from it for no justifiable reason, nevermind the physical and psychological trauma, and almost no one speaks of it, despite all the hubbub about transgender children. But an adult man living a quiet life being faithful to 2 adult women, will get you thrown in prison in America--IF you are found or proclaim to be a "Mormon" as your religious belief. Institutionalised religious discrimination is still very real. At least for "Mormons". But you will find that non-polygamist "Mormons" are also the most fanatical persecutors of LDS polygamists. These are the very reason some of the polygamist ones live in remote, insular kibbutzes, where abuse and excess control can be common. It's the persecution/interdiction of it which actually enables that abuse, but the hypocrisy is not admitted. Decriminalisation of peaceful, voluntary relationships is the only solution--other than extermination, and that's been tried already.
I have obviously investigated the LDS question muchly, and have come to the inevitable conclusion through a huge preponderance of evidence that Joseph Smith Jr. was in contact with SOME GROUP that was NOT normal surface terrans. I've come to the realization that all "angels" are, by definition, extra-terrestrials (ET's), or more properly non-terrestrials (NT's), and that the biblical word "angel" was a generic word for "messenger", a catch-all term to describe any non-human intelligence who wasn't a mortal human.
I've also come to the conclusions that:
- aliens (at least ones who interact with humans) are COMPULSIVE LIARS, and
- the number 1 thing aliens LIE ABOUT, is WHERE THEY COME FROM, even if they're on the "positive" or "benevolent" side of the spectrum.
For instance, Inner Earthers are notorius for masquerading as Pleidians. Stunningly, Corey Goode even had this admitted to him, during the Inner Earth visit where he was shown the "eggs" Inner-Earthers sit in, to make psychic contact with Terrans on the surface. He was flat-out told that they usually masquerade as other aliens, usually Pleidians (mic drop). (I applaud them for coming clean on this--but now they need to STOP THAT!)
The fact is, along with just about every other alien specie out there, Inner Earthers practically hate us (wish we didn't exist), and DO NOT want us invading their sacred territory (and I can totally sympathise, even if I disagree with lying--and maybe I would still do the same if I were them). I think several hundred years ago, they realized the inevitability that we would find them someday, and started making expanded Contact efforts in the 1800s (my opinion, based on available accounts), and continuing to this day with the accounts of Michael Salla's contact "JP" (just one of many accounts, if that one doesn't please you). I think they want to help us increase our positivity, so we don't annihilate them. Which is wise. They should have tried harder, and sooner though. They also want to make contact on their terms. Because I think the Cabal has already reached them, in certain areas. And I think they've reached out to the Cabal, too. And "they" are definitely not one monolithic group. Pretty much every alien specie interacting with Earth is somewhere down there, too. Reclusive starseed Sharula Dux said in the 1980s that the Telos (Mount Shasta) network was allied with the Ashtar Command for protection (which, if true, they probably didn't do a very good job of helping the Telosians hold their ground from invading dracos down there).
I suspect the beings who visited Joseph Smith Jr. were Inner Earthers. I would LOVE if this were put to the RV test!
Prior to this, I'd already suspect that Christianity was an anti-mind-virus to attempt to neutralise or mitigate a very negative religion, as part of a greater war between NT's and their respective Earth religions.
I wonder if the Latter Day Saint movement is a continuation of that.. more likely a "fork" of it. There are tells I don't wish to go into here. I don't know which ET group was the promulgator of Christianity (in other words: which specie created a hybrid with Mary? If that story is true). Everything from the Mideast region seems to track back to the Annunaki. They fight amongst themselves a lot. I personally don't see them as evolved-enough to have created or sent Jesus, but maybe that's my bias or based on incorrect assumptions--so who knows? It could've been Pleidians or Inner-Earthers too. Or someone else?
LDS in the 1800s had knowledge of things only recently being discussed somewhat widely online.
Flying metallic spheres, Laurent's correct mentioning of the knowledge of certain aspects of the crucifixion, the first and only Christian church to acknowledge not just ET life, but HUMAN non-terrestrials living off-planet(!), the only successful Christian church to my knowledge to acknowledge Mother god(s) existing aside a Father god.. the only Christian church to flat-out admit that the Bible has substantial flaws from the original manuscripts... But to me, the dead giveaway is the literal insinuation of the existence of inner earth--and humans which inhabit it--guised under the concept (and probably intentional disinformation--ahem, "loving misinformation") of calling them "lost tribes" from the "north countries"). And I think that might have been before popular books existed in the USA on the topic of Inner Earth (if not, the first ones appeared coincidentally RIGHT AROUND then). Of course, the Buddhists had the concept of Shambala from ancient times, which was probably also based on true encounters, even if containing disinfo--ahem, "loving misinformation" (probably mainly to prevent their physical discovery). I believe the Inner Earthers had VERY LIMITED contact with monks in the Himalayas, which still led to historical unwanted attention from the National Socialists/German Worker's Party in Germany--who some think were actually successful in their quest for contact (at least with the Al-Debaranians they were channeling--who were of course masquerading as Sumerians/Annunaki). But I digress.
If you happened to read Corey Goode's blogs on his website, before he deleted them, about his trips to Inner Earth, if true they provide a lot of insight. We find that Inner Earth societies are still very divided on the Disclosure topic, to the point of almost not even being able to have a civilised dialog amongst themselves about it. It's probably their most-controversial topic, internally. They pretty much all have major resentment or disdain against us, even if if they mask it--not that I totally blame them. Corey was treated nicely by Ka-Ari, but he was practically a slave to their bidding, and he very clearly had past-life connections to not just Ka-Ari, but the Blue Avians themselves (some of whom apparently also live in Inner Earth, but that's another story). Some of this info is detailed in his trip to the temple inside Venus (now deleted from his website). There he was offered information about his past lives, and he DECLINED, which made Ka-Ari almost crack up laughing, during this most-sacred and intimate event. If I were making up a story, I sure as hell wouldn't say that I declined to know my past lives, in a ceremony/spirit-technology designed largely to tell me just that. Doesn't make for a great story, nor cliffhanger. And, knowing Corey's personality (good or bad), I could see him doing something like that. I sure would NOT turn that down, if I'd made it that far! By the way, I'll throw in that I agree with Courtney Brown (as this is the forum for it, if anywhere): in addition to the Inner Earthers, where have the Venusians been, on helping us progress mentally and spiritually?! Courtney called them "our next-door neighbors", but I'd say that's the Inner Earthers. I'd call the Venusians 'the neighbors from down the block'. But still. Valiant Thor/Val-Thor, "We Will Never Let You Down"... I don't want to minimize anyone there who actually helped, but... I think we've been let down by all beings in our galaxy at some point.