The man, the myth, the legend…Bruce Lee !
What a RV project this would truly be!
His life, his death, his skills and his philosophy.
Please, please make this happen?
Bruce Lee !
... Why not Yip Man? Sun Yip?
There is a choice here, and the snag with "hero" targets is there is so much myth to offer as "feedback".
Such would be great recreational targets for viewers I guess. But, in terms of getting some hard actionable information, well... a bit iffy.
Just my two cents worth. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I am saying there is more work here than you might appreciate the case to be.
Taskers and analysts have to spend a LOT of time on any one project, and for each viewer participating, the time typically goes up exponentially. (So, 3 viewers, about twice the time of 2 viewers. 4 viewers participating, about 4 times the time spent for just 2 viewers participating. 5 viewers, about 8 times the time spent for 2 viewers...)