In my opinion, this man is pure evil. all of his actions and decisions are extremely racist and disgusting. it is very puzzling how many in the world have been brainwashed by his country's indoctrination of it's citizens, and other witless believers, into warped and racist ideas regarding Palestinians. i would like to see a deep mind probe and understand where he plans on taking this insane genocidal assault on Palestine, and whether or not he is directed/influenced by other entities or people. is there ever going to be an end to this Israel-Palestine issue????
I was going to write "OMG you disgusting racist anti-semite jew-hater who likes to kill babies"... as a joke, because I know there are many out there (and, occasionally, on here) who would try that line... But I figured it'd be too easy to miss the 'soz - just kidding' at the end!
This is not merely religion taken to extreme. I think there's something more going on here.
As for your last question - yeah, I'm wondering - even if there was full disclosure, followed by a "first contact", and even after that being told this is a prison planet, that the world's religions have been created (or usurped) to keep us trapped here, and people start getting their full IS-BE memories back - would that stop the fighting?? I have a feeling it wouldn't. Certainly I can see many still wanting to claim Jerusalem as their holy site - yes, even after being told that it's what keeps them ignorant.
Some people just want to hate.
And, let's face it - it's going to take a good century or 3 to get past that hate - given the killings, bombings, forced evacuations off the land, etc. That's not going to be forgotten - or forgiven - overnight.
(not completely relevant, but just as a possible indicator - Europeans invaded China a couple of centuries ago, and stole a lot of artefacts, and forced the locals to do their bidding. The local propaganda *still* refers back to that "Century of Humiliation" by imperialist forces. War movies and TV series are still being made, and is on TV every single day... again, for propaganda, and to keep the 'hate' going! I think the CCP needs that to stop the population from noticing other things that their government has done (or individuals in it) and to keep the CCP relevant today) - so, it's like a raison d'etre - and like NATO, needs a bogeyman to justify its existence.)
But, I'm not sure who's worse - Netanyahu and those who follow him - or the US government which has yet again vetoed a ceasefire - and thus completely enables him.