What connection, if any, does the CIA have to the aliens, how are they being manipulated, and what dark projects are they carrying out if they are being manipulated. Amitakh Stanford (Xee-A Twelve) was one of the first to openly call them out for being the main arm of the Orion syndicate on EArth and she did that all the way back in the 1990s early 2000s. Wondering if there's any truth to what she said. We all have our opinions, but getting other's feedback also helps.
CIA connection to aliens
This is a very interesting question. The CIA is one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world they, in connection with other major three-letter agencies operate mostly in the shadows. The CIA has been known for assassinations, interfering with governments, and the list goes on. We all live under their influence to one extent or another and it would make perfect sense for any oppressive force (ie: the so-called "Bad ETs") to form larger elements within the prison system to self-govern and/or report, act and control.
Courtney has mentioned that another agency never talked about is DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency. Either way it stands to reason that *some* factions of something were given ET tech in exchange for compliance, but it just makes them part of the problem. Here's a potential task-
[insert coordinates] - viewer will view the subject most involved with extraterrestrial technology, employed by the 3 letter agency most involved with extraterrestrial extraterrestrial technology of all 3 letter agencies in the world.
Or you could tailor it to one specific 3 letter agency
Eh. Can't edit my errors sorry
There's also DARPA Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. They created both the covid virus and the vaccine lol.
That tasking needs a good edit. It would be difficult to differentiate between any 3 letter agencies, and there's no precise focus - only a vague concept.
However, I do agree that such a tasking would be important - and how it affects both sides (ie. what advantages do they get and at what price?) We may not like the answers.
(I presume that at least one of the bits of tech has been the ability to spy on so much internet traffic, and to collate and store all that data)
And this is where it becomes even more convoluted, we have so many agencies with different interests, some that act and operate independently. So, who's to say that the "Bad ETs" don't take advantage of that element, using one agency for certain purposes or even to confuse another and vise-versa. If you're concerned about secrecy, like they apparently are, that would likely be a part of a larger whole. We simply don't know (and that's intentional, too).
It makes me think about "Catastrophic Disclosure" and the potential fallout this will have (I say bring it on). This is going to take the cover off so many elements of our government, society, religion, economics, but it's something I think is needed. There's no other way, I think "gradual disclosure" is just that, a way to continue controlling the narrative.
Granted, having complete chaos in the streets is not appealing, but I honestly don't believe that would happen. Not like that anyway.
It all remains to be seen. And this year is passing by rather quickly -- and we're still waiting.
Sorry for the tangent, it's just all connected.
If you agree with the Farsight narrative, then you agree with the fact disclosure needs to come quickly, and brutally if necessary. I cringe a little if there's questions like "but what if they bomb innocent civilians in return? What if they traffick and kill innocent children? What if they implement brutal slavery in places all over the world? What if your involvement in this endangers you and your relatives?"
. . . like they have in the entire history of our imprisonment.
The reason they won't is because they are complicit in what has been happening behind the scenes and many "leaders" would need to go on trial. Many times in regressive hypnosis they found out that it wasn't aliens that abducted people, but it was humans using a screen that were doing it to other humans. The shadow govt, Cabal, breakaway civilization, MIC, Deep State, brotherhood of the snake....whatever one calls them.
Whiteley Strieber has accounts of abduction involving military and alien characters. It could very well be both. To what end, who knows. We used to hear about alien abduction a lot in the 80s, I barely hear about it these days.
Intelligence use UFO/UAP to cover other operations as well as the reverse. The goal being to keep people confused and away from what's happening. It mostly works.
Yes...confused and going in circles. There's no one that has done more research than I have and it gets annoying how often I would be finding information that leads right back into the system. The average person awakening, especially now, would have low chance to when the market is so saturated to find the truth. This is why I gave out lots of hints and information for others so they can do their own research but with a hint of guidance. At this late stage in the game though I'm just tired and need to look after my own health as well. We balance Service to Others with Service to Self.
I am personally for the dramatic "Catastrophic Disclosure" approach. There are all sorts of reasons I feel this is the best possible route. Humanity will survive, we will adapt and figure it out. And once that is all literally out in the open, provided Farsight is correct, the "Good ETs" are going to be present to help stabilize and assist.
That doesn't mean we humans won't have a lot of work to do. Governments are going to need reforming, etc. It will take a lot of work. But to get those death traps dismantled is a top priority.
I'm all for the catastrophic version of disclosure - get the rug pulled out from those who have been hiding behind it all this time.
However, I seriously doubt that much will change afterwards - not in a governmental, political, economic sense. Those evil bastards will still be evil bastards, and those 3 letter agencies are still going to continue doing what they've been doing for decades.
Sure, a few moe people will be 'awakened', and there *may* be the possibility that some of the 'good ET's' may finally show themselves - but I doubt they're going to really interfere with what's going on. We're still just another experiment to most of them.
"Catastropic Disclosure" only relates to ET contact and engineering by hidden agencies. It doesn't mean the end of control - of banking, of internet and information, of rigged two-sided elections, of controlled media, of corrupt 'justice' systems, of failed capitalism and 'democracy'.
To fix those things, the people need to see the CD as clear and irrefutable evidence of the cover-up of not only the ETs in our lives, but also the way it was used to control the sheeple and society - and thus, for the people to finally revolt and overthrow (yes, violently) those 'in charge'. Otherwise, 5-10 years later, it's basicaily all back to the status quo again.