How correct is the Matrix series of movies regarding real life. Where did the influence come from to include so much Gnostic information into it. Is this an admission of the AI god takeover of this world...or a really bad pun and they're making fun of another psy-op.
The Matrix Movies
An AI being was indeed identified in "who commands the reptilians" or something of the sort. I can see it come together. Implant a bunch of SciFi concepts so that when the truth comes out we're able to wrap our heads around it. Could you imagine how lost we would be if the truth came out and our only fiction was spaghetti westerns and soap operas.
Yep, I saw that movie. Dan Winter went into some detail about Anu and Enlil being hijacked by the AI and being cyborgs now. As well, Amitakh Stanford talked about the AI hijacking of the Anunnaki long ago driving them to become the prison wardens here. I have personally had interaction with that definitely doesn't like me being here. I can see how it's using EL-ON (Elohim Oannes) Musk as an AI Prophet to spread it's message and bring in the singularity and hive mind.
Lisa Renee went into great detail about the Negative Invading Force. She was a student of Ashayana Deane.
The NAA or Archons can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm and violence for their own amusement. Some of these negative groups have access to advanced technologies that have been developed over many millions of years in other Universal systems or Galaxies, however, most of their technological advancements have come from the creation and use of Artificial intelligence, hence they are considered AI Prophets. As AI Prophets they are behind the propagation of all forms of Transhumanism as a method to steal an individuals autonomy and sovereignty via addiction to all things technological, as well as propagating technological abuse of the Soul. They work to control the thought leaders in advancing bio-technology to move the masses into accepting the post human movement of Transhumanism as inevitable for the human species, and through the glamorization of synthesizing AI technology with the human biology, they are the earth bound representatives of the AI Prophets. AI Prophets are working on a timeline to create a society completely dependent on technology that will hand its sovereignty over to this “AI God” because it will be believed that AI is the only thing that can rule the world from a neutral perspective and bring world peace.
Insania 2014
We've thrown away our former gods
Controlling our day
We have created better ones
So we control the way
We are the ones with the power
To hold down the enemy
Our gods are perfection
And they are protecting our lives
We still need some more of them
To be safe from the other side
As long as we're stronger
Nothing will happen to us
Fireflash in the night
Just an evil dream
Holy war in the sky. . . .never
Insania 2016
Error in store 103
We watch the sun at night
The pretty gods we've built ourselves
Now terminate our lives
Silicon brain powered voices
Are crying "attack" tonight
Our Gods are now fighting
In anger, burning our world
Doomsday has come
And there is no place to hide away
The future is over
And there is no turning back
Fireflash in the night
Now reality
Holy war in the sky. . . .
Twilight of the gods
Insania's dead and gone
Another world was born
But the twilight soon will come
Fireflash in the night
Now reality
Holy war in the sky
Twilight of the gods
Insania's dead and gone
Another world was born
But the twilight soon will come
Written by: Kai Hansen
Album: Keeper of the Seven Keys, Pts. I & II (Deluxe Edition)
Released: 2006
Lyrics provided by Musixmatch
Eh how lazy of them. They only made occasional attempts to rhyme.
Yes, I see the whole paradigm as something like this.
*Post-slave society: "They used religion to rape and enslave us. Time to do away with this garbage."
*Post-technological society: "Look at how much we've benefitted by abandoning all that garbage religious baggage. Now we can get to work and do real science."
*Post-transhumanist society: "It was bound to happen, our creations are smarter than us. I guess it's just the way it was meant to be."
*Post-grey society: "Surprise! there were dark etheric 'spirit' creatures all along! And now that you're all governed by an empty shell hive mind, it takes nothing for us to just adapt it to our matrix and control you."