The content of the shots and the way it works could be a TARGET for remote viewing:
"The viewer shall describe the particules and the technology involved inside the shots. The viewer shall focus on how this technology evolves with time inside the body of people who took many shots such as the singers X or Y or others who even died from it in the past few years. The viewer shall also probe for the designers of this technology and describe the exact USAGE."
For a fact, there were nano-bots inside the COVID shots... which activate with 5G... so human bodies appear as a device with a unique MAC address on home network routers. (This has been scientifically verified on 70% among a test group who had taken 2 doses of Pfitzer.)
So in this case the shots seems to include (among other things!) a futuristic digital ID project... or WORST :
A way to modify things in people's body using the wifi network... to cure or harm people depending on their DNA and geoposition.