According to the video below laws are to be enacted to euthanize all who are 70 yr old or older, unless they can prove that they have skills that are essential to society. Is this true?
This subject has been discussed by depopulationists for some time now. They want any excuse to get rid of people, so why not old age? Canada is leading the way with its MAID program (medical assistance in dying).
Eligibility for MAID for persons suffering solely from a mental illness has been delayed until March 17, 2027, due to public backlash. If Trudeau could get away with it, he'd kill every Canadian except his friends and family.
If you are not familiar with "The Good Club", it a group of well known eugenicists hell-bent on reducing the world's population to half a billion people.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Many have questioned Trudeau's brother's death
Michel Charles-Émile Trudeau (October 2, 1975 – November 13, 1998) was the youngest son of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau and the younger brother of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He died in an avalanche on November 13, 1998, while skiing in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park.
They have to sacrifice someone close to them to prove their loyalty to the group.
Justin and Margaret were snickering and bizarrely absent of grief when interviewed about Michel's death in 1998.