Some interesting timelines to add to this.
These specific Historical Timeline Trigger Events are directly related to the seed or causal events of the main Galactic War histories involving humanity. The NAA war against humanity originated from the timelines of the Lyran and Orion Wars from the higher Harmonic Universe. When the Cradle of Lyra and several planets exploded this further destroyed the Andromedan Stargate, leaving humanity trapped in a fallen system. Those histories of Galactic warring eventually descended into many conflicts for power and control over the 3D Earth. The Belial Sons Luciferian Covenant and the Black Sun Program ultimately united to form the NAA artificial intelligence and the 911 Timeline Agenda that is playing out today, in the Timeline Wars.
The information that is provided below is with the intention to help associate memory and meaning to the timelines of Galactic History and bring witnessing to these events, as well as support graceful spiritual initiation into the Law of One, which is part and parcel of Cosmic Christ consciousness. This information is not to be integrated as dogmatic absolutes, but is being offered to help catalyze the individual and collective opportunities we have right now. It is to be utilized as a context for the Historical Timeline Trigger Events that have impacted all of us on earth, by assigning meanings to the memories that were stolen from humanity.
Historical Timeline Trigger Events
Historical Timeline Trigger Events Approx. Timeline Summary Description
Lyran Wars, Orion Wars, Victim-Victimizer Program 20 Million YA Main Galactic War History of Human Holocaust, Lyran-Elohim overseeing 5D Earth Seeding, Genetic Hatred, Black Hole Entities, the seed of Anti-Christ Conflict.
Electric Wars 5 Million YA Race War over First Root Race, Wall in Time, Separated from 12 Strand DNA, Need to Collect Fragments in Timelines, 2D/4D Soul Split, Soul Rescue Missions.
Thousand Years War 1 Million YA War over realities based on the Law of One, Service to Self vs. Service to Others conflicts, First Draco and Annu hybrid root races, and Elohim and Annunaki wars.
Nephilim Wars 75,000 YA Annunaki Breeding Program, Second Seeding attempt of Nephilim rejected by Elohim, Melchizedek and Annu DNA Fracture, 666 Seal is quarantine in Solar System.
Lemurian Holocaust 52,000 YA First Major Event of Planet Earth Genocide, Secret Deception of Draconian Invasion via Underground Tunnels, Ice Age and surface climatic destruction.
Atlantian Holocaust 30,000 YA Nibiru Annunaki Resistance and Patriarchal Melchizedek take over the Inner Earth, Earth Core Power Generator Crystal Grid Explosion, and intentional genocide of Christos Grail lineage.
Luciferian Rebellion and Armageddon Program 26,000 YA Rebellion reaches apex at end of Atlantian Cataclysm, End of Aeon, Sons of Belial enslave Seraphim, Michael Wars, Enemy Patterning, and Golden Eagle Grid Wars.
Eieyani Massacre, Essene Breeding and Emerald Tablet 22,000 YA Females taken to Nibiru by Thoth-Annunaki for forced breeding. Thoth stole CDT plate; wrote down Emerald Tablet. Trigger timeline for Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and Secret Societies formed to hide ancient knowledge from the common people.
Ascension Timeline Rebellion 22,000 YA NAA groups negotiate agreements for Earth Territories and Humans for workers, sex or slave colonies. Galactic Trading of Earth Resources. Reptilian ownership of earth humans.
Celtic Massacres/Druid Sacrifices 22,000 YA NAA genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis, RH Negative Hunting, spread disinformation, destroy records of star origin and artifacts.
Sachon- Thoth Viking Invasion 22,000 YA Intruder Thoth groups, earliest Vikings attacked Celtic lines to eradicate Atlantian history and eliminate, spread false records about Celts and Druid lineages.
Luciferian Covenant 11,500 YA The Anti-human and Anti-Krystic agenda for takeover of the planet from NAA, as its controlled by Luciferian forces is called the Luciferian Covenant. Illuminati Lines.
Lunar Outpost, Moon Colony and Sexual Misery Program 11,500 YA The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its use as a Human, Reptilian and Grey Alien base. Transmits Mind Control NETs, Soul trap.
Atlantian Flood 11,500 YA Takeover and destruction of Giza Stargate, victors of war start re-writing historical records and false timelines, surface flood and holocaust.
Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion 10,000 YA First stage of takeover of Iran-Iraq 10th Gate, Middle East settlements and organizing Brotherhood of the Snake in from Atlantian timeline in the region. Thoth Group and Phoenix Grid to gain control over Giza Stargate. Tiamat wormhole.
Knight Templar Invasion, Essene Templar Massacre 9,500 YA Takeover of Celtic Templar lines, NAA attempt to create super-race of Controllers for earth, genetic elitism, lineage of Freemasonry, massacre of those who do not comply. Hidden esoteric knowledge agenda.
Centaurian Wars 8,000 YA Alpha Centaurian races attempt takeover on Earth from other NAA races, manipulation of Stonehenge and 11D timeline. Unsuccessful hijack.
Mayan Invasion 5,500 YA Genocidal agenda to eliminate all 12 strand DNA bloodlines from Mayan tribes related to those that had ascended and traveled off planet.
Sumerian/Babylonian Massacre 5,500 YA DNA unplugging and identity and consciousness memory erasure, confounding DNA language and signals, glandular malfunction, early death.
Djoser Invasion 5,000 YA Sakkara invasion from 5D wormhole, infiltrate regime, takeover portals, blood sacrifices and use of advanced SRA underground for power.
Dead Sea Wars and Masada Massacre 4,000 YA War in region to maintain control in Middle East, destruction of many cities in the area. Essene groups tracked down and massacred.
Hyksos King Invasion and Exodus 3,600 YA Sakkara NAA forces infiltrate Egyptian Pharaoh lines through Thutmose, Hyksos intend takeover of Temple Mount and massacre of Human Tribe 2. Battle for control over Grail tools and Grail Stargate.
Israel and Jerusalem Crusades 3,500 YA Genocidal campaigns to eliminate all humans with Essene Templar knowledge and Tribe 2 genetics in the landmass of Israel.
Hatshepsut Invasion 3,400 YA Hatshepsut hides Arc portal technology, protecting portal system from Thutmose Draconian controlled brother, finalizes Hyksos expulsion from Egypt.
Akhenaton Fall and Murder 3,300 YA Akhenaton despises politics, working for human Law of One Ascension timelines, transits out trapped souls, attempts overthrow of Amun Priest’s child and blood sacrifice rituals, 2D underworld portal rips, family murderous plot, character assassination campaign.
Destruction of the Solomon Temple 3,000 YA Grail Stargate takeover through Arc technology, genocide of Human Tribe 2, Hyksos line attempt takeover through King Solomon, NAA destroys the Temple and holographic grid
Iron Age Christos-Sophia, Jesus Christ Mission 2,000 YA Sirius B Christos Mission to repair Giza and Stonehenge Stargate, timeline repair gridwork to prepare for the Ascension timeline and reclamation of the Christos Diamond Sun body in 2012 timeline.
Roman and Draconian Invasion 2,000 YA Draconian infiltrate Greek sacred texts and Italy to build the Church of Rome and spread NAA religious mind control through Catholicism. Retaliation of Christos mission. Collection of Martyr’s blood.
Council of Nicea 1,700 YA NAA and Luciferian Knights Templar cover story to hide the Christos Mission and humanities star origins, False Alien God worship and Blood Sacrifice based religion that became the Canonized Bible.
The Rise of NAA World Religions, Armageddon Mind Control 1,700 YA Intentional spreading of violent world religions based on Satanic blood sacrifice, holy wars and worshipping Alien False Father Gods. Armageddon mind control linked to Atlantian Cataclysm and Human Genocidal Campaigns.
Saxon Invasion and Arthurian Grail Takeover 1,400 YA Invasion of UK to take over territory and 11th Stargate, kill Templar Grail King Arthur and his support team, last benevolent Grail King, False King of Tyranny replaces rulership, King Arthur is in Stasis in UK. Related to the Awakening Albion and stasis beings.
Draconian Christian Crusades 1,000 YA Violent Religious Wars used for human blood sacrifice, soul binding and feeding Crucifixion Implants and Martyrs Blood Alien Machinery in the Earth. Generates Black Heart systems and Anti-Life reversals on the grid.
Cathar Genocidal Massacre 780 YA Albigensian Crusade carried out by the Church of Rome, Cathars were trapped and burned alive in Southern France. Attempts to eliminate Essene Templar knowledge outside control of the Church. [circa 1208-1244]
America Crusades, Native American Holocaust 500 YA Native American holocaust and America crusades, elimination of indigenous lines that had Templar knowledge of Earth grids. Setting up Secret Societies in USA for Global Control. [circa 1500's]]
Nibiruan Intervention/NRG Implants, Sexual Misery Mind Control 250 YA NAA and Galactic Federation starts to contact their lineages for channeling and propaganda for preparation of the New Age. Sexual Misery mind control and implants for harvesting human creative sexual energies, alien hybrid breeding programs. [circa 1767]
Aleister Crowley, Black Magic Grids, Mainstream Satanism 115 YA NAA Alien Abductee cooperates with Zeta infiltration of Earth grid networks, sets up Satanic Black Magic, Blood Sacrifice and portals that become Human Energy harvesting networks. Enochian and Thoth-Annunaki Thelema Language, OTO. [circa 1902-3]
Zeta Alien Surveillance, Abduction and Breeding 100 YA Zeta cooperate with Orion Group for NAA takeover agenda, human enslavement and territorial control. [circa 1917]
Black Sun Program World War SRA Agenda, World Wars 100 YA Poking holes in Earth’s protective grid, Orion and Zeta groups orchestrate World Wars to weaken EMF, Nuclear Bombs, and infiltrate Portals by ripping holes in the time-space fabric. [circa 1917]
Majestic 12 and Zeta Grey Alien Trade Agreements 85 YA Zeta contact World Governments for Military Technology and Human Trade, Grey Alien Weaponry, Holographic Inserts and Time Travel Technology. [circa 1932]
World War II, Nordics, Human Blood Sacrifice Grids 80 YA After WW1, sophisticated machinery and implants are inserted into planetary field designed to capture souls and blood sacrifice for NAA during wars/killing. Perpetuate War Economy and World Slavery. [circa 1936-37]
Nazi Infiltration, Psycho-Spiritual Warfare on Global Population, MKUltra 75 YA Orion Controlled Nazi Groups go underground infiltrate Power Elite and Intelligence Groups, Nordic Alien technology and SRA experiments to mind control the public. Learned Helplessness, Pavlovian Conditioning. [circa 1942]
Black Operation, Secret Space Program, Space Colonies and Human Trafficking 75 YA USA Government splinters off into assorted secret interest groups to research, study and hide alien contact and alien technology from the public. Galactic human slave trade becomes highly organized. [circa 1942]
Orion Groups Intervention 40 YA Orion Groups recruit more Reptilian Races to join with NAA to prepare for the final conflict war over timelines in 2012-2017. Share spoils of war.[circa 1977]
Pleiades and Sirian Agreement 30 YA Galactic Federation makes agreement to support Ascension timeline as front to gain total control over the intended hijack of the New Age Spiritual movement. New Age Channeling increases. [circa 1987]
Necromiton Invasion 30 YA Orion Group recruits Necromiton for NAA control strong-arm on earth, to assist enforcement and compliance in the joint Military Complex Black Op and Secret Space Programs. MIB's. [circa 1987]
Seed of Anti-Christ-Sophia, Azazael and Black Lilith 25 YA Produce anti-hierogamic spawn in Peru Stargate to destroy Genetic Equal and Twin Flame Sacred Unions during the Ascension, and put AI reversals and clones in its place. This is known as the Alien Love Bite. [circa 1992]
Edict of War against Starseeds, Indigos and Angelic Human Population 17 YA NAA groups offer hostage agreement to allow evacuation of selected humans by Lyran-Sirian Guardian Races, before intended Armageddon Destruction Agenda or Pole Shift. [circa 2000]
911 Timeline Trigger Event, NWO Agenda for AI False Timeline Propagation 16 YA NAA draws line in the sand via the 9-11-2001 event to take control over Earth timelines, attempt to circumvent Ascension by dimensional blending, NAA carries out AI Transhumanist Agenda. Starseed Christos Mission Upgrade to repair Ascension timelines. [circa 2001]