Kaze0125 comments: "In regards to the pearl at the beginning of this presentation. My research and many others have found that the adrenaline that pumps through the blood during high stress or fighting for your life is what the reptilians and human followers are addicted to.
It is a drug to these beings and their followers. It comes in higher quantities in children and is known as adrenochrome to those who have researched this subject and know what it is called.
It is my opinion that this is one of the main causes for child abductions in national parks and across the world. But all you hear about in the mainstream is "sex slaves" but here is a perfect example of what the reptilians and their elite followers don't want you to know. This is the real reason they love to frighten and torture before eating and drinking human flesh and blood. To get that adrenaline pumping through you so they get their "rush"."
Interesting is that this concurs with comments by the owner of Stardust Ranch. This ranch is another "Skinwalker Ranch" along with Bradshaw Ranch being the third (and taken over by the government).
Reading this Stardust Ranch book, also what the author comments on concurs with much uncovered by Farsight. The two key ETs affecting humans are races from Orion and the Reptilians.
The Reptilians are pervasive in power positions, the Catholic Church, elites. Hence, the pedofilia of the church and elites (Britain has covered up/played down scandals) and the nourishment the young boys provide makes good sense in terms of the needs of the reptilians.
Very far out stuff. Thinking of what David Icke has said about the Reptilian elites (I have always thought he was Looney Toons), now I am agreeing with some of what he has written.
Great book. Not artsy farsty, airy fairy New Age stuff.
A page turner.