Warning: Horror show.
This here is a comparison of knowledge between “Alien Interview” where Airl tells Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy some history of what really went on here, and then, quite a long but necessary excerpt from Theresa Talea’s “Eternal Humans and the Finite gods” (third edition).
Alien Interview, pg 60 of 319 (PDF):
“She told me that The Domain Expeditionary Force first entered into the Milky Way galaxy very recently — only about 10,000 years ago. Their first action was to conquer the home planets of the “Old Empire” that served as the seat of central government for this galaxy, and other adjoining regions of space. These planets are located in the stars systems in the tail of the Big Dipper constellation.”
Pg 62 of 319:
“Eventually, The Domain discovered that a wide area of space is monitored by an “electronic force field” which controls all of the Is-Be’s in this end of the galaxy, including Earth. The electronic force screen is designed to detect Is-Be’s and prevent them from leaving the area. If any Is-Be attempts to penetrate the force screen, it “captures” them in a kind of “electronic net.” The result is that the captured Is-Be is subjected to a very severe “brainwashing” treatment which erases the memory of the Is-Be. This process uses a tremendous electrical shock, just like Earth psychiatrists use “electric shock ‘therapy’ “ to erase the memory and personality of a ‘patient’ and to make them more ‘cooperative.’ On Earth, this ‘therapy’ uses only a few hundred volts of electricity. However, the electrical voltage used by the “Old Empire” operation against Is-Be’s is on the order of magnitude of billions of volts! This tremendous shock completely wipes out all the memory of the Is-Be. The memory erasure is not just for one life or one body. It wipes out the all of the accumulated experiences of a nearly infinite past, as well as the identity of the Is-Be!”
And now, from “Eternal Humans and the Finite gods” by Theresa Talea, page 382 of 615:
“The ATI,TPE (the All That Is, The Pure Essence) reveals that Amenti Earth quanta, was initially divided circa 15,000 B.C. to create, what the MCEO calls, Higher Earth. This was a stage that the MCEO-GA omitted in their story about Earth’s history. While I do not know the specifics involving this important event, it occurred similarly to how our Earth was later created from Higher Earth.
The 13,400 B.C. Great Netting of Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction fields (NET fields) caused the unnatural division of Higher Earth, to create a Lower Earth, under lower dimensional NET fields. NET energy comprises a series of multidimensional electromagnetic harness fields, created by Metatronic BeaST technologies that the BEA-O implanted throughout all three HU-1 dimensions (Harmonic Universe-1). Our Earth is the Lower Earth that MCEO calls NET Earth, although Higher Earth is technically another NET Earth.
The ATI,TPE states that the NET containment fields were initially created before 15,000 B.C. to first harness quanta into the higher dimensional space for Higher Earth. Amenti, Higher, and NET Earths, are planets with three-dimensional form, but their time-pulses and dimensional positions have diverged. While the next sections may be sobering to read, there is great hope and progress at this time, because Amenti Earth, as a significantly less bound planet than our Earth, is within our reach, as I later explain.
The Great Netting of our Earth caused the first of two slight accelerations of Earth’s geographical pole (axis or staff) wobble within the NET fields. The 26,556-year general precession cycle occurring on Higher Earth, became expedited to a cycle of 25,920 years on our Earth, confirms the ATI,TPE. The MCEO’s summary describes what eventuated from the Higher Earth division:
“As a result of the 13,400 BC “Netting,” portions of the Earth field that were once physically manifest, “seemed to literally disappear” when viewed from within the NET and its geomagnetic field harness. As the Lower Earth “NET-bound” field engaged the first 636-year “equinox precession acceleration,” and the Higher Earth field did not, the spin-speed of subatomic particles and atoms, as well as Earth’s rotation speed, adopted two slightly different “energy vibration-pulsation rhythms,” or “time pulses.” The “Lower Earth” time pulse was unnaturally accelerated, while the Higher Earth time pulse remained consistent with the greater, longer, slower time pulses of the free multidimensional Universe. [Note: the MCEO did not introduce the natural Amenti Earth in this summary. And, what is natural in the Milky Way is not entirely free.] Space-time within the Lower Earth NET field, entered a slight inorganic acceleration, contraction, and compaction; Lower Earth’s axis spin, as well as its wobble, became a little faster, causing days to shorten slightly, and making the “bulge” at Earth’s equatorial poles more pronounced. Biorhythms of the life-field quickened, as did elemental decay rates, and the “DNA” of Lower Earth’s life-field became entangled within the “magnetic grip” of the anomalous geomagnetic field generated through the NET. The territories of Higher Earth—with their slower, more expansive “time pulse”— did not experience any of these environmental or biological anomalies.”
The NET fields have given disastrous results to the Humans trapped within them, particularly our DNA. The NET levels include the 1st dimensional Bio-NET or Derma-NET that harnesses the DNA template on an etheric atomic level. The 2nd dimensional Intra-NET harnesses the chemical DNA. The 3rd dimensional Epigenetic Overlay (EGO)-NET harnesses the “chemical sheaths” that tell DNA what to switch on and off. Scientists are discovering how functions built into the DNA template can control genes (in chapter 9’s “DNA” and studies in epigenetics).
NET technology allows the BEA-O groups to switch on and off our DNA as they see fit, unless we become aware of the distinctions between their tactics and our authentic energies and thoughts. Their manipulation of our DNA affects its activation potential and can alter how we express our consciousness. The false ego takes after the EGO-NET. It makes Humans self-absorbed, arrogant, and selfish, with embedded narcissistic traits. This myopic state has made Humans easy to control because the narcissistic ‘gods’ essentially created it. We can override the EGO-NET by operating out of truly loving energy.
The GA states that the Bio-NET blocks the function of our pineal gland, which is a soft tissue gland in the center of our brain behind the lower-middle part of our forehead. Biologically, the pineal gland gives a small window for light refraction, and it regulates important hormonal activities in our body.
During the Great Netting period, BeaST technology wiped out the Human collective memory consciousness. Humans literally woke up one day and did not remember who they were. This allowed certain BEA-O aliens to present themselves as ‘gods’ with their languages, creation stories, and history. The MCEO explains:
“In human populations, the DNA mutation, resulting from this anomalous environmental event of 13,400 BC, resulted in the “first of three” biologically induced “memory wipes” and the fragmentation of portions of the DNA into “junk DNA.” [Note: the first memory wipe happened to the Higher Earth population when it was previously displaced with Higher Earth.] In the loss of race memory in the 13,400 BC period, both Angelic Humans and Illuminati-Humans were simultaneously reduced to a primitive perceptual state, with loss of historical, practical, and language memory. More significantly, the mutations that took place in the human DNA began the process of reducing both Angelic Human and Leviathan Illuminati-Human gene codes to a “common mutation,” leaving “unplugged” the genetic differences that previously existed as junk DNA, while the commonalities between Angelic Human and Illuminati-Human DNA remained “turned on” in the active DNA sequence. Through the “new common-gene human” that resulted from this common mutation, the Illuminati hybrid-humans — and their off-planet Elder kin — could more easily interbreed with the now “amnesiac” Angelic Human races.”
In 10,948 BC, the BEA-O created a wormhole connection from our Sun’s core stargates to those of the Parallel Sun. This formed an inorganic vesica piscis blend, called the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel, that created a spacetime adhesion field, between our solar systems. It tied the orbit of our Sun, to the orbit of its invisible Parallel Sun, and brought their core stargates into direct alignment, which then brought the galactic cores into alignment. The galactic alignment created a second intergalactic spacetime adhesion field, between the Parallel and Milky Way galaxies, that surrounds the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel, and creates a displacement field, which is called the Great Toral Rift Time Rip. This conjoined wormhole, and time rip network, fulfills the Alpha-Omega alignment that I mentioned in chapter 7. This was the final piece of the puzzle against our galaxy that BEA-O races have spent billions of years to execute. The biblical reference to the Alpha and Omega -the first and the last - represents the first conquest of the Parallel Milky Way, and the last conquest of our Milky Way that could be diverted together into the Equari and Bourgha phantom matrices.
The Alpha-Omega network alignment, caused a second acceleration of Earth’s axial precession, reducing the previous wobble rotation of 25,920 years, to 25,771 years, to have our planet meet the expedited Stellar Activation Cycle of Parallel Earth. Earth Humans were again memory wiped at this time.
The creation of the wormhole and time rip, led to the importance of equinox and solstice alignments on our planet. These seasonal periods have made it feasible for BEA-O races to enter Earth from Parallel Earth wormhole passage. The MCEO explains:
“When Lower Earth and our Sun became linked to the Parallel system through the Atlantean Solar Time-Torus Tunnel and Toral Rift of 10,948 BC, Lower Earth’s orbit around the Sun accelerated slightly (shortening the organic Lower Earth “year”) and became synchronized in counter-rotation with the “invisible orbit” of Parallel Earth around its Sun; and through the wormhole links between the Solar Core Gates, our Solar System became an inorganic binary star system, invisibly tethered to the Parallel Solar System. Once the orbital rotations and Star-Gate-opening time cycles of our Solar System were forced into synchronization with those of the Parallel Solar System, the harnessed Amenti Star-Gates of Lower Earth aligned directly - at specific points in each yearly rotation of Lower Earth around the Sun - with the Alpha Wormhole Fall Gates of Parallel Earth and with the intergalactic “Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Wormholes.” Each year during the spring/vernal and fall/autumnal equinox periods of about two weeks, allowing for easy Illuminati-Elder passage and visitation between Lower and Parallel Earth. Each year during the winter and summer solstice periods, again for about two weeks, the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel wormholes would engage the Gates of Lower and Parallel Earth in a brief alignment with the intergalactic Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Wormholes, allowing Illuminati-Elders direct wormhole passage to Lower Earth from various regions of both Milky Way galaxies.”
BEA-O entities have cloaked themselves and temporarily entered our Earth to control the amnesiac Humans, called Sleepers, who have predominantly intruder alien genes. Civilizations were taught to abide by the seasons to create calendars by which they could chart the times and locations of visitations from their ‘gods’. Usually, those visitations involved interbreeding with Humans. Terribly, specialized Sleeper populations in 25,500 BC were hybridized to remove most of the Human conscious essence, which allowed them to be largely controlled as organic robots like most Zeta Greys. I am confident that if you would look into their eyes, you would see a vacant or negative, soulless expression, even when their Sleeper DNA is not totally activated. According to the MCEO:
“The Sleepers were taught many heinous rituals of territorial grid-conquest, murder, sacrifice, perversion, copulation and possession, through which they could “seek to gain favor” from the false ‘gods’ who imprisoned them. Knowledge of Earth’s Templar Star-Gates, of Parallel Earth, of the realities of Atlantean history and race origins, and of the Atlantean Death Sciences and the Illuminati Master Plan, was reserved for only an elitist “Chosen” few at any given time. The majority of Angelic Human and Illuminati-Human races alike were kept amnesiac, unaware, uneducated, subjugated, and thus, easy to manipulate, misdirect, and control. This is teh “recent ancient history” reality from which our “known historical record” has emerged.”
Around 10,500 BC, the Leviathan Illuminati were led by their Luciferian control group to secure key locations of the Earth’s templar. The Luciferian conquest’s main objective was to gain access to Urtha.
In 9562 BC, BEA-O entities blocked further Aquafereion interventions from the Krysthal River Host, in a raid that attacked core planetary gates to Urtha and activated Metatronic technologies already placed on Earth. This event, called the Great Encasement, also created new planes entwined with the NET fields, called the Hibernation Zones.
In 9560 BC, Lucifer’s group expanded its coalition with similar Anunnaki, Drakonian, Reptilian, and Alpha-Omega races, to create their version of a One World Order (OWO) under the Luciferian Covenant. They were aligned with the Red Dragon agenda.
In 9558 BC, Lucifer’s groups orchestrated the great “flood” of Atlantis that seemingly sunk most of its last three islands. In actuality, this so-called flood, displaced those land masses to an upper NET field, to constitute one of the Hibernation Zones.”
This seems to be good evidence for the 'Prison Planet' philosophy.
Perhaps this should be reposted at https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/43677-alternative-theory-to-prison-planet
as a Technical argument supporting the notion of Earth as a Prison Planet.
I agree
Well. Something certainly happened that humans have been disconnected from. Many questions. This is a potential puzzle assembly assistance idea that makes some sense according to ancient records
Thx for sharing.
For me, I'm always looking for information on the Halls of Amenti and what they are or do.
It was spoken about by Toth in the Egyptian Empire but not enough details were made about its function.
Now I am starting to hypothesize that the 'Halls of Amenti' are some sort of device or machinery that was installed at the times presented above and having the functions described above.
imo Ed Riordan stumbled them in this video. As you can see, there appears to be some sort of 'protection' against Remote-Viewing:
That was a facinating RV reading. I had to do a quick review of what the Halls of Amenti was after I watched it.
I've always believed in the inner earth stories. I would imagine that the earlier civilizations went underground to protect themselves from the cataclysms. So the Halls if Amenti could also tie into this perhaps.
I wonder if this could be the holding place where souls are transported to when they die? I'm sure it would have to be a massively large place. Then again, it would make more sense for them to send us to an inner dimenson. Ok now I'm just rambling. But this stuff excites the hell out of me.