During WW1 a short truce broke out on the front lines at Christmas time -- we should try this again even if Christmas has pass by already.
Maybe a war will be called and no one will show up for it ? Ahh you never know !
During WW1 a short truce broke out on the front lines at Christmas time -- we should try this again even if Christmas has pass by already.
Maybe a war will be called and no one will show up for it ? Ahh you never know !
You know women are 50% of the world - actually more than 50% of the worlds population. They have husbands, boyfriends, fathers, sons, brothers -- and those are the IDIOTS you need to save right now ! Because if you don't they are going to destroy this house YOU live in.
You have the vote in most countries- you didn't even 100 years ago in many countries. YOU have it now - and this may be the last time you will shine.
Come on NOW - its your time to shine. There is power there - and you may not have that power again.
Think of it. The one weapon that no one thought much about. The Female angle. The 50% plus 1 !
War is mostly a "sport" of men-- its time to stop it and you are the best chance to do it. Because if you don't - you know on this site about viruses, about alien hybrids, about plans to eliminate 90 % about trans-humanism. You're the wild card in the game. The wild card can become and Ace ! Your the 51% of the population. You've heard of plans for a totalitarian world, you've heard of a Technocratic dictatorship and this is also largely the doings of MEN.
The Wild Card ? !! The one card that can win against all other cards - IF YOU can get in the game and play that card !
What is the purview of women traditionally ?
Its preservation of life
Its giving birth
Its caring for those in the family
Its caring for children
Its seeking harmony
Its making a home that's safe and secure
I know a lot of that is stereotype but a lot of it is true
What is one thing that NO ONE will criticize a woman for saying -- I WANT PEACE AND TRANQUILITY IN THIS HOUSE (PLANET) ?
Who is going to criticize a woman who says I don't want to sent my son to his death (or daughter too)
Who is going to lock up women (mothers) who say no to war ? The state will back off if there is protest on mass.
Who will look bad locking up women, and cops beating them with batons ? The state will back down !
And it needs to be a world wide thing.
There seemed to be no answer to all this stuff -- but women may be the only answer - because even these sex robots that are being made. I think women don't realize it but women are being eliminated and life itself IE though elimination of reproduction seems to be a end goal as well.
You can see elimination of that even in the plant world. The power of Monsanto is increased greatly by creating plants that cannot preproduce. Therefor the farmer must buy seeds each and every year from Monsanto. The hybrid plants made by Monsanto are sterile.
Life itself is being eliminate by trying to turn everything into a machine - a robot. We see robot dogs, we see robot women (sex robots) we hear of plans to merge the human with the machine. Elon Musks' plan with a chip in the head is one of those steps. At some level women have not realized that it is YOU that they want to eliminate, and therefor it is YOU ->>>> THAT MUST BE THE ANSWER !
The group and energy that is converting Humans into machines and is trying to sell life itself by the kilo has never even considered what I am proposing. (or, they WEF types-- maybe they have !!) There is only one group that have a massive effect on what is happening. It is the women's vote to effect change while there is still time. You can vote to not have WW3 by not supporting those promoting it.
WW3 is going to actually be another massive power grab this time of the entire world.
Farsight remote viewed a continent off the coast of New Zealand that sank after they started a drilling program into the Earth that went disastrously wrong.
Here is a link to the Farsight remote view of "Atlantis" from Farsight - link is below this line ( 126 minutes)
Now this head line in the British Newspapers has appeared
" Long lost continent is FOUND off the coast of Australia: Landmass nearly twice the size of the UK was home to half a million humans 70,000 years ago, scientists say"
Now here's what I'm wondering -- Schwartz says there has been about 100 years ago- efforts to use remote viewing to find archeological sites. And they were successful too. Schwartz tells a story about finding an Egyptian site with his team of remote viewers.
Farsight did a Remote Viewing of the sunken continent near Australia / New Zealand--- . NOW are archeologists visiting Farsight and other types of sites and then going out to find exactly what farsight is remote viewing ??
Now this opens up another point if they are . We have heard of Archeology actively using them from Schwartz himself and he has done it.
So I said what Farsight should do (on a previous post I said this) --Farsight needs to remote view archeological sites --
Like- the area in the Bahamas where there was said to be a sunken archelogy site.
They need to remote view the Vikings and locate a Viking site with pin point accuracy -a site IN AMERICA !!! - Because there was a legend that when the Spanish showed up in North America - that the Native Indians had already seen "White" men. And it was predicted they would return ! So were the Vikings the area of the USA too ? They made it to Newfoundland why not a little further south ?
There are probably dozens of these sites around the world. By predicting where these places are there may be some who will give credit to Farsight. Perhaps they could actually have one of the alternative news sites treat it as a New Item so it will essentially be broadcasted around the world.
The best idea yet is to broad cast where the richest ship wrecks can be found to a accurate level - full of gold. GOLD always gets peoples attention !!!
Of course farsight cannot man a team to find gold but they can create a stampede to look for gold.
Now one thing leads to another. There are these markings called the Gosford Glyphs which were found in Australia. These markings are said to be Egyptian hieroglyphs. Now if you study this on Wikipedia its said to be a hoax. But I posted that Egyptian scholars say the language is correct.
Now it is said by Robert Milton Schoch that the Sphinx is much older than 3-4 thousands years (based on rock weathering rates). Did the drilling disaster of "MU" that Farsight remote viewed end an ice age or start one. I think they started one about 2 ice ages ago.
If all this stuff was happening then were there any sites on Antarctica. Plenty of rumor's and stories saying there is something there in Antarctica.
Also there is talk about some Egyptian material and sites existing in the grand canyon remote viewed by Dick Algire - I posted a link about it in "Remote viewers" post. --->>> find it on this page >> click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page to hear Dick Algire remote viewing what seems to be an Egyptian site or some Egyptian influenced site in the Grand Canyon !!
But Egyptians in Australia -- hmmm-- Now if the sphinx is older than they say it is -- was there trade going on even earlier say between "Egyptians" (ie the group that really carved the Sphinx- with a probable lion head) and with MU ?
It seems to point to other things too. Within the Maori legends - there were said to be 2 groups of whites -one red haired and one blond haired on New Zealand when the Maoris arrived. Also a genetic study of one red haired Maori woman (also posted) was linked to Syria and South American Indians as well. Apparently about 7000 years ago a war was lost and survivors had to take to their boats. It seems they made it to New Zealand and to South America too.
Here's some stuff from New Zealand - there's a few mystery's there about early inhabitants --go to this page and see New Zealand info about 3/4 way down the page. Look for the lady in the orange shirt holding a giant bone !
Also there is this Toltec group in the Andes of South America and some of the statues there show a very different looking group of people.
there is a lot of remote viewing ideas in all of this stuff.
Here is the Egyptian scholars stuff.
a reference to that topic:
this remindes me once again one of Yemmé sessions.
That is a very revealing post Artur Faria- There seems to be a keen interest in finding out how to influence, and control the brain.
Quickly I find a pertinent quote -- "All aspects of human functioning can be altered in the brain without the recipient of the technology knowing it."
I have posted about the similarity of first the Nazis trying drugs on prisoners to reveal information
Later they tried turning people into assassins without them knowing it.
Then we heard of the CIA running mind control experiments
Later Farsight remote views the death traps and the wiping of the ISBE mind
And as I said before -- its all the same thing-- all birds of the same feather
(and Chips in the head is another High Tech way of doing it too)
Some more interesting stuff from your post that is very revealing for who ever is paying to investigate this science.
-- another quote--- " However, there are secondary effects in the brain that maps the changes in functional network where drugs are targeted to particular part in brain. This is the neuromodulation of the brain. It is invasive and compelling part, allowing control of varies modes in communication"
Brianna Wallace on rumble. She seems to be a whistle blower.
I listened to many hours of her last week. She has worked on the technology that will control people from within. We can be controlled wirelessly.
I noticed her following went up alot in the last week.
Sabrina not Brianna Sabrina Wallace
Here is something Sabrina Wallace released yesterday. Google did make it more difficult to find her. How you are controlled. A pentagon directive.
I've started to look at the Remote Viewings for Lao TzÅ. It is a very helpful post. Knowing that the trap can be broken is encouraging. I would like to say that so far I have gotten the following.
1 Lao TzÅ was put on this earth to help humans and Lao Tzu teachings were designed to do that
2- Lao Tzu seemed to be so important that he had Alien assistance on a regular basis - channeling information to him as he lived and wrote.
3- he had assistance as he maneuvered the death trap
4- he encountered blocks and traps and was not able to proceed on his own
5- he makes contact with others - perhaps his "team" and an attack of some sort is made on the Death trap system - and Lao TzÅ is extracted from this prison and then his soul / ISBE is inserted into another body while on a Flying Saucer.
6- Secret Agent Lao TzÅ--- Agent 001 is rescued -- I vote a bearded mustached Tom Cruise play Lao TzÅ in the upcoming movie.
7- And then I posted much much earlier that most of the ISBEs here are rebels or those refusing to be subjugated. You are a those rebels- (they don't want you to remember this !)
8--Lao TzÅ- Agent was an agent and his handlers mind melded with him while he was on Earth and made him remember his past. Have a look at the Remote viewing again - you hear references to this.
9- As a special agent - he was sent to send and write a message of reflection, of mediation, of thought and wisdom for humanity and because he was part of a team he was rescued from behind enemy lines as a reward for his dangerous mission.
10- Lao TzÅ-- was the "Chinese" Gary 7 from Star trek
In my opinion very few of us fall into this kind of category of importance. We are not in the Secret Agent category of the universe.
And the only thing that gets us out of the death trap is the destruction of the death trap and likely the removal of the alien's running these traps.
But that is a first impression
So Farsight says 2024 is the year of the "energetic event" occurring after the 2024 American Election. Since its didn't happen during Bidens term in office one would lean toward to Trump or Kennedy getting the most votes.
Now Clif High has said it sometime during this early year when another significant event is to happen 13 (i think it was) greater or more energetic than 9- 11. But Dick Algire seemed to think it would happen in late 2023 but it didnt.
Now we should watch closely what happens because it does happen and also because it doesn't happen. I lean towards Farsight and Dick Algire seeing into A future ! Now if it doesn't happen or is much delayed then what does it all mean ?
Is it possible that by "saying It "-- by revealing the SECRET - that it takes away its power or negates it somehow ? Or to take away all that mumbo Jumbo does it scare off the perpetrators who say - hey guys ! They are on to us, lets do something different !!
But its time to see if it all comes true or if it does not come true. A real re- analysis needs to happen then.
Either its all nonsense
or there is some effect by announcing we are aware of the plan - causes the plan to be changed- either by the planners or somehow by the universe. Is it all magic ? And if its all Magic then is the SPELL BROKEN when the secret is revealed ?
Just remember that Dick et al. at FFG state very clearly that it's very hard to date things in the future, but that it's *generally* easier and more prominent within 3 months... so, his saying that it would be in the end of '23 is only based on past experience - not as a definite.
Dick also did suggest that by talking about it, it may be stopped.
You are correct !
Cliff High -- ??
Where is Mr High getting his information.
Is he a mad man ?
Is the clue in his name - Mr High ?
Or is he a cosmically connected Spiritual Guru from plant Woo Woo ?
Seems like a very smart man that's for sure - but I dont get where his info comes from. Is he being downloaded as happened to Loa Tsu ?
He's the one who said there will be a huge release from some kind of event coming this year or next. I think I am detecting a kicking of the can down the road from Mr High. Now this could be the baddies changing their plans and delaying them. In which case is the POWER we thought we didn't have -now in fact we do have ? And that power is some how manifested by simply becoming AWARE ? Aware of the goings on or the plans or simply stating what is likely to happen ? A sort of "Rumpelstiltskin" Effect ? There let it be known that I Dave have coined a new term ! It is the "Rumpelstiltskin effect "!! In this concept -- the power of group Consciousness counteracts the evil deeds of the "forces of darkness". THIS HAPPENS AS AN EVENT OR PREDICTED EVENT IS DISCUSSED WIDELY AND OPENLY SUCH AS IS SEEN ON FARSIGHT. Forces of darkness-- term refers to those working against Source or the life Essence (to be revealed later) when I get an invite to Oprah (revived show) specifically when she comes out of retirement to interview MMMeeee !
Ok Back to reality !
Here is Mr High --enjoy - There sure is a lot to unpack
Ummm - Clif has an algorithm that takes social media posts and other things on the internet, looking at the language via linguistic analysis. It's then converted to some sort of categorisation relating to how the human zeitgeist is going to head in the relatively near future.
Interestingly enough, there has been research done on humans natural ability to sense a future seconds into the future... so, people are going to post their feelings about such things online, and that's basically what he's collecting!
Clif once also said he is collecting and analysing data from psychic people/sources who make predictions etc. That can be strange and biased. Iam not sure about this analysis algorythm thing. Too few info. Its not like the Global Consciousness Project where they took data from random number generators. I think it is more like estimating the direction a fish swarm will go during a shark attack. How shall this be done?
I think the Algorithm idea where "buzz" words are given a value then the internet the newspapers are scanned for those words is an intriguing idea. Sort of ranking the words, Holocaust as 10 units, War as 9 units, armed conflict as 8 units , and the same with other phrased and words has merit. And I do get that he is very well read. But for instance- how can he say with such certainty - Spirit Cooking is about ch0pp1ng up ch1ldr3n etc with such certainty ?
As I think about it I suppose he must be taking everything like - the myths of floods, or the stories of ancient flying saucers etc as facts or near facts and applying values to those as well.
Which I start to see you could do to I guess, but as you go further and further back I think some of those "facts' start to become more and more tenuous. For instance it is written in the Bible something like, "and there were Giants in the land in those days". And also Mcmoneagle says he remote viewed Giants living on Mars so it seems Giants were in this solar system.
At least we might assign a high value to Mcmoneagles assertion that giants lived on Mars because we are very convinced that Remote Viewing works and you can go back in time to remote view those events.
However where Cliff High would assign Believability number 10 to Mcmoneagles assertions, another person who didnt believe that Remote viewing was very reliable would say it was a 3.
But then as i chat with my self here I guess Mcmoneagles remote viewing session was backed up with satellite pictures of the exact Mars coordinates, and satellite pictures of the site as well, showing the pyramids he saw. Hmm ! Very intriguing.
But lets play the devils advocate here for a second. lets say USA wants to mess with the Russians and the Chinese. To throw those two groups off they start a plan. They say lets find a really smart and believable guy (Mcmoneagle). They get him to remote view Mars but along the way they influence him in various ways. They have collogues introduce subjects like Pyramids, and Mars and have him glance at various magazines on the front cover it says, 'WERE THERE GIANTS ON EARTH IN THE PAST ?" and so on.
Now with the remote viewing which is now tainted (and maybe with some high tech too) an idea is put into Mcmoneagles head and he says he saw pyramids on Mars. Then with your airbrush crew you put pyramids at the exact coordinates he said he saw those pyramids etc (you have his remote view analyzer on your team).
Now the thing you could say is "WHAT AN ELABORATE PLOT !" Who would do this and go the trouble and why ?? . Well if you can convince Mcmoneagle then those photos could be gotten to by the Russians, then they could say, "This Mcmoneagle guy is very truthful because we got those satellite pictures from NASA too and they look legitimate.
So the Russians then say "lets look at Mcmoneagle and what he remote viewed elsewhere "! And Mcmoneagle says also, he remote viewed a Russian submarine that sunk, and he is sure they went down and got the code books and even the entire Russian submarine too. '
Shocking" to the Russians because during early experiments and submarine trials one of their subs did sink but it went down in a very deep area of the ocean. Now you have convinced the Russians that their new submarine has been compromised and the Americans know everything about it and all the code books too !! but the truth is the Americans never did go down to the bottom of the ocean because it was just too deep for them. For a few million Dollars you could have an amazing psyop.
Any way I think I am now understanding how all this stuff could be assigned numbers. I suppose then a word could be assigned several kinds of numbers, such as believability number, frequency number, strength number like War (10) verses conflict(7) or struggle ( 3) and so on and get impressions and probabilities etc.
He is quite bright that is for certain - and so is the woman interviewing him too. Interesting stuff !
Also consider that the system may work more on an emotional level, in that the more that people are feeling a particular thing, the more they may be likely to post about it online.
How about a psyop in which McMoneagle is first hypnotised into 'seeing' the giants and the pyramid, and other RV data - which had already been either verified, or made up, and then shown to be 'true', so that other forces now believe RV is real, and the US intelligence community has omniscient agents?
Like the carrots/blueberries thing during WWII, covering up for radar.
Now above this post about 10 post up I say Farsight should remote view archelogy sites. Well I have come across a Dick Algire video (short Teaser type) but he says he and team found Amelia Earharts plane or the probable area it is located. Now there seems to be some evidence that it has been found (or may have been found).
This type of remote viewing I think will electrify certain segments of the population and lead to many others looking into remote viewing as something to think about. Here is the video.
OKAY how about this remote viewing target ?!! Farsight should remote view where the body of Jimmy Hoffa is located. First it is a murder, second it is of real interest by the authorities or could be because it is an unfinished case. Next if Farsight could indicate the exact location and its say under water its likely that no Mob guy could fish it out of the water. Now then if the body is found way under ground or better still under water then >>> When the body is found it could be said -- Well Farsight said it was there !!!
Joe Biden and UFO/UAP--Remote viewed by Aziz of Farsight
Video High lights
--at 1 min - "Focus 1" - Time period - Dec 23 2023 - Purpose - Discover UFO situation in Joe Bidens mind re- UFOs and disclosure
-- at 1 min + 15 sec-- " Focus 2" Time period - August 22 2024- Discover what's on Joe Bidens mind at Democratic Convention in Chicago- re UFOs - re disclosure of UFO Alien info
-- at 3 min - discussion of Subject A (Joe Biden)
-- at 4 min + 30 sec - Discussion of UFO -Alien question (Focus 1) + Joe Biden (Subject A) --
Joe Biden- Qualities on UFO situation
- More Talker than Doer
- Prideful
- like animal puffed up-
- Feels not the strongest member of his "Team"
- Tired
at 6 min + 30 sec- discussion of a scale being used to find out what kind of cognitive control or impairment might be influencing Joe Biden's mind
Joe Biden's mind-Analysis
---at 9 min--Natural brain thinking and self control- Low value- Joe Biden does little thinking of his own or has any independent thoughts-very little critical thinking being done by Joe Biden- his decisions are being influenced by someone or something else.
-- at 10 min + 30 sec - discovery of an Artificial influence of Joe Biden and an Immense swath of moving parts and people being influenced on groups in the Sphere of Joe Biden (my take on it --AI ?)
--at 11 min - Joe Biden and many others described as a Pawns by a "force" on this group or larger network of people.
- at 13 min-Influence -- Joe Biden does as he is told by other subjects- Joe Biden does as he is told.
-introduction of Black clothing clad subjects that do this controlling and influencing of Joe Biden
at 13 min +30 sec - very little Alien influence detected (therefor all Human influenced on Joe Biden)
at 14 min -- massive network of influence detected of which Joe Biden is only a small pawn in that network. Many other subjects being controlled (by human control-- likely with an AI mapping out the plan - my take on it) -- Joe Biden described a chess piece on a chess board- there to look like he is the one in charge. AI confirmed to be highly influencing the process of control either -- seems to be a Human controlled AI.
Do you remember not so long ago - there was this Grusch fellow talking of UFOs and Bilogics at a senate hearing ? That Repts from Canada for the first time, were invited to the Pentagon in June or july of 2023. And how all that has gone pretty quiet ? Well Biden is the last nail in that UFO coffine to shut everyone up.
Brain of Joe Biden is hearing or experiencing noise in his head- likely designed to fog out his brain (my take on it)
Aziz says Joe Biden doesn't seem to be in charge of anything.
at 18 min - Analysis of Focus 2 (at the convention in the future - Aug. 2024 in Chicago) -- Biden is removed from the UFO issue-- not close to the UFO issue any more. Biden feels like a deflated balloon on the UFO issue. (his attitude is of concern but he has no more or closeness to this issue any more )-- Low engagement
The SYSTEM is far bigger than Joe Biden and he is only a piece on a chess board being played by much bigger players.
If Joe Biden is a piece on the chess board (the "King") and so what are you ? A pawn ? Not even that ?
So what is the Network ? Possibly a controlling secret Government above President Biden ?
If the "men in black" are on the scene - where have you heard that term ? And who do they work for ? YOU ?
If one votes (in a democracy) for a president to represent your interests and you discover Joe Biden is a chess piece - then are you living in a democracy any more ?
To Be Continued