Courtney Brown: All right, Intysam it's good to see you today, and we're doing an interview style, and we're having a session for Human News that will be for the month of March 2022. INTYSAM, why don't you just take us through your session what did you get as the news item that you saw for March 2022. Why don't we start with your page four? What do you have going on at this this event?
INTYSAM: Okay, so for page four I was picking up an urban area -
Surrounding the urban area is like sort of empty land and there's a lot of structures, a lot of subjects, both male and female, and the thing that was standing out was energetics - that was going along with like a large number of people - so a focused gathering around the energetics.
CB: I see. I also see you have written down here there was a non-surface structure, one?
INTYSAM: Yeah, I was only picking up one surface structure.
CB: One non-surface structure. Okay, and a sort of dim lighting urban environment cold with snow.
INTYSAM: Yeah, snow or ice.
CB: I'm now looking at your sketch. on your flash sketch - on page five, and yeah so, you're picking up on stuff.
CB: all right, so let's go on to your page six. what are you what are you getting there?
INTYSAM: so, page six is just digging deeper into page five - exploring a little bit more.
It's basically the same thing, so not a very big urban area and a concentration of structures surrounded by empty land, along with the snow and again energetics accompanied with smoke - because i could like smell the smoke in the air.
And also loud voices. When I tuned into the sounds in the area i was picking up like shouting, a lot of loud sounds.
CB: that's interesting i know you had a deduction here of the russian and ukraine thing, so this is possibly related to that but we don't really know. But let's go on to page seven your flash sketch…
INTYSAM: so, page seven it's depicting the urban area.
There are some vehicles around.
And then i was seeing quite a large number of subjects.
It seemed like a crowd or focused gathering and in the middle of the subjects was this energetic event that was emitting heat and smoke.
CB: very interesting. Yeah, and there's cars or vehicles on either side so it looks like this stuff is happening sometimes like in the streets.
INTYSAM: yeah, no it was definitely like in the middle of the urban area.
CB: so, what do you have on page 8?
INTYSAM: it's more or less the same just expounding a little bit because you know the deeper you go into the session, you're trying to get more and more information.
So, but it's pretty much the same thing. It's the non-surface structure, the subjects, the movement from the subject energetics – yeah, cold temperatures, and the loud noises - those were the dominant elements in this session for sure.
CB: Okay and then going on for the page nine, I see that adds a different element…
INTYSAM: yeah, so the elements that was added on page nine was more of the subject's focus.
On the subject that i could see something like a barricade, and i deducted that in future pages, but it's like a wall of subjects.
And when i was like touching around them i could feel they had objects on their arms that were somewhat flat and rectangular.
CB: So, this is clearly cloud crowd control type stuff?
INTYSAM: Yeah, and some just protests of some type.
CB: Okay then you onto the next; page 10. You're starting to go into more of a verbal description of things that you're seeing. What are you getting there?
INTYSAM: yeah exactly. So centre of the target it's an urban area cold environments with snow-covered ground - many subjects moving about and energetics that are producing heat and fire - and I also mentioned that other subjects are being controlled or restrained to a specific area.
CB: Controlled or restrained - so the plot thickens. What do you get on page 11?
INTYSAM: I'm just probing more into this the specific activity that's going on there, and this target has a had a lot of energy and activity that was coming from subjects, and there are subjects moving hastily about moving back and forth near the energetic events - because that was like quite a main focus - like it was drawing a lot of my attention in the session.
Yeah so I could sense that some subjects had similar clothing and others had a flat object, and standing about in line - and this is the page where I deducted like police, and I deducted barriers or barricade.
CB: I see so you also have the idea of heat and fire, so there's that type of burning protest related stuff.
And the police seem to be standing in line - if they're police - it may be military.
What do you have on page 12 - what's the event that's going on in this session?
INTYSAM: so the best way that you know I approach it is with a collective mind probe, and I could sense the subjects were feeding off of the rambunctious energy - like they're feeding off of each other's energy - and there's a lot of activity and energy and it feels like most subjects…
It was like two-part - some subjects had purpose to be there like they knew what they were doing there, other subjects not so much. Maybe like, I don't know, ‘troublemakers’, but that's a deduction - obviously because it seemed like they didn't have that strong purpose to be there.
CB: Fascinating. The idea of a purpose of a sense of a purpose.
We've covered the temperature and so on, so we don't need to go to the weather page, let's go to your last flash sketch on page 15. What do we have there this seems like a wide-angle view?
INTYSAM: Yeah, so this is a bird's view of what is happening below, and it's just that urban area.
You can clearly see the smoke the energetic that's emitting smoke from within that urban area.
And then yeah there's some foliage that was standing out but for the most part this seemed somewhat arid or baron - maybe it's because of the snow on the ground that's giving it that kind of look.
CB: Wow. Last month's Human News thing was spot on with regard to the Ukraine invasion, and this looks like - if it is the Ukraine thing - it looks like the military. What I mean, what I'm seeing in this session is this is like the aftermath of the invasion where there's still protests and so on but the whole situation continues in the much of in the month of March.
I don't see in this session a lot of military activity like tanks and jets and helicopters and stuff so, this makes me think more of a post-invasion type of situation, more of an occupation process, the beginning of the occupation of Ukraine. If this is if this is what it is but, that's what it sort of looks like.
INTYSAM: I mean I thought of that too, but I thought it honestly it could be anything. Yeah, with everything that's going on I was like I deducted the Russia Ukraine thing but, the more I went on I was like could be anything honestly. But of course, we have to think of in terms of major events that could spill from month to month, and this Ukraine thing does look like it's going to spill into March big time.
INTYSAM: Yeah, it's a big issue.
CB: Yeah so it's hard for us, even if it's of a different event, it's hard for us to not you know make those thoughts. All right INTYSAM, thank you so much - Human News Forecast Event for the month of March 2022. Now we wait and see.
INTYSAM: Now we wait and see thanks.
End of Session.