In the latest Farsight Weekly, 19 Sep 2024, Courtney describes the "chess game" that is going on right now, and it seems to boil down to a simple conclusion: Everybody wants war for different reasons, asap. Well, we already knew that, didn't we? But let's take a deeper look at the logic of the so-called good ETs.
The good ETs want to take advantage of the outbreak of war by showing up and saving the day, so to speak. But in order to be able to do that, they need to win the hearts of the masses first. When Courtney mentioned that, I thought: They are doing poorly, because who is still reaching the masses?
Just go on Youtube and look at the Starseed movement. For example, look how they are pushing a certain picture of the Pleiadians, always coming with beautiful pictures of beautiful people, sacred healing music, prophecies of ascension and so on. They look like shining angels coming to rescue us. And they push this narrative a lot, reaching a lot of people.
They are also pushing the narrative of the Pleiadians being the ones who are preventing nuclear disasters on Earth. Sounds familiar?
Now, here's what doesn't add up:
In the Operation Highjump project, Farsight saw these long haired human-like beings – who they called Pleiadians – cooperating with the Nazis in the base in Antarctica. In the second part, these Pleiadians fought a very unfair battle against the primitive US-american military force. They had fun shooting primitive people out of the sky! Courtney claims at the end that the Pleiadians changed their mind and want to help humanity now. Okay, could be true. But: How does he know?
Courtney doesn't explain why he knows that, so we have to assume that Farsight has viewed or contacted the Pleiadians. But we still don't know wether that's the case, because the ETs Farsight is in contact with just don't say who they are. They are just speaking, providing no proof for anything they say.
So, let's talk about proof...
Farsight looked into the reality of Harvey, seeing the ETs at the beach, the security people and all that. But for us normal people, they remain invisible. This is how Courtney explains it at timestamp 2:07:04 in the Reality of Harvey video:
"We have this chair here, so that he (Harvey) has some physical presence in the picture, but of course he's not actually sitting on the chair. He's got some other type of chair that he's, that we normally don't see on the camera, that he's actually sitting on in the same place. It is a little weird, I know. [...] It's a frequency thing, but anyway, it's complicated, and it is physics, but that's what it is."
So, let's take note: The good ETs can be invisible through some complicated frequency thing, let's call it phase shifting. They can't even be seen in infrared light, as Courtney proved in one of the videos. Now a quote of what Courtney said at timestamp 2:19 in the latest Farsight Weekly video:
"We have even been showing people how to make video recordings of the ET ships on demand, using modified cameras that can record in infrared and at 120 frames per second. Now this circumvents their stealth technology, and all this should be convincing to many..."
It's not convincing if you try to put 1 and 1 together:
1. The stealth tech of the bad ETs can be circumvented easily with 2022 smartphone technology and an infrared filter.
2. The stealth tech of the good ETs can't be circumvented that easily, they are literally untouchable, not moving the sand when they stand on the beach, having their own chair that must be standing on an entirely different planet and so on.
So, the good ETs can phase shift into non-physicality, but the bad ETs can't do the same thing, because if they could, they would do it to prevent humans filming them with smartphones in order to keep secrecy intact. At least since 2022, but actually earlier, because they are not that stupid to not see 4K smartphones coming. And they still can be filmed today.
Why are they not hiding? It would only make sense if they can't phase shift like the good ETs, but if that was the case, why do the good ETs need security at all? They should be untouchable to the bad ETs just like they are to us.
It doesn't add up.
So, let's change the premises. The good ETs are not phase shifting, but instead communicating telepathically over a greater distance, which would be much safer. The problem with that is: They still wouldn't need security, and the Reality of Harvey remote viewing would be false, because the ETs wouldn't be there.
Okay, let's assume that the bad ETs are capable of phase shifting. Why can we film them? Do they want us to see them? And why would they want that?
And how do the Pleiadians fit into the picture?
Farsight and the so-called good ETs need to provide answers to these questions if they want to be convincing. If this is ignored, we would have to assume that the ETs Farsight is in contact with don't have good intentions, and that means that the remote viewing can't be trusted either, as the ETs provide "support" for the viewers.
I'm looking forward to the next board meeting.