Slowly, we are getting somewhere. The topic of how to recognize and deal with (demonic) possessions is worth to be its own thread. This is a response to Jon from this thread:
"Actually, consciousness and spirits and souls can change bodies all the time. Think of how people change personalities after a major surgery."
That's not because they change spirits. It's because they are hijacked by another entity. You even said it yourself:
"It's because the medication loosens their etheric bonds to the body and another soul can jump in and hijack it."
Doesn't have to be a complete soul, it could also be a "fractal" that's still connected to its original owner. It's hard to use the right words because they get mixed up all the time. There's not enough consciousness within language on this planet to describe accurately what's actually happening. Therefore, I will use the word "entity" as an umbrella term.
"As for that medication...that was much later. It didn't precede the event."
That's an important information. So there was something else that injured you energetically such that the other entity was able to "jump in". I can see it. It's still there. My guess is it didn't like the medication that came afterwards because it was interfering with what the entity does with your system. That's why you stopped. Maybe the medication was able to loose the bond?
See, the problem with medication is: If it interfere with what the entitiy does, it can start a withdrawal from the energy the entity puts into your system. Most people think it's an adverse reaction to the medication. They just don't see the greater picture.
"I have TONS of experience in all this."
This means that you have been attacked a lot. My guess is they were successful in a way you can't see now. It also comes with a cost for them, because the entity is not very strong. It only succeeds because it's invisible to you. It somehow attaches to your pride. You can't see it because you can't admit that they were successful. But they also weren't, in a way. Another person who can see and remove it could help you easily. That's why it's so important to help each other.
Try to find someone who claims to be able to remove these entities. There are quite a lot of people out there who can do it, but it needs to be done face to face.
What is a demon? Start with a solid definition.
A demon is a "body thief".
That might describe what it DOES but that does not define what it IS.
It is only a danger to you when you don't know what it truly is.