When Courtney talks about his longevity there is something I do not agree on and some other things I want to add. So there we go.
Courtney uses CR (Caloric Restriction) to extend his lifespan. This is a well researched area. Mice and other animals, when fed 60% of their laboratory diet, lived way longer and way more active than the ones that could eat freely. Sometimes almost double their 'normal' (laboratory) lifespan. We can safely assume this also goes for humans.
For humans however this is very hard to do because 1. It needs a lot of willpower during many years (decades) and 2. With the western food that is available to us (not very natural) we get quickly into deficiencies that have to be addressed with all kinds of supplements and regular blood testing.
This brings us immediately to something Courtney says: that we're genetically engineered to 'burn up fast'. This is just an assumption. Biologically spoken we're built, just like all other mammals, to live about 7x the age till biological maturity. That would mean 7x18 for females = 126 and 7x21 for males = 147.
There are many examples of people who have reached this age (see my book for this at the end of this article).
The real reason we usually do not get to that age and 'burn up fast' is because we eat very unnaturally (lots of poisons and deficiencies) en because of that we also mature way to quickly. For example: first menstruation/menarche at 12 or even younger when that should be 17 (more examples in my book).
If we would eat naturally (see below) it is safe to assume that we could easily reach these high ages.
And even way older since, unlike wild animals, we have our culture to protect us and there are all kinds of 'hacks' to extend our lifespan.
I will mention some of these hacks here:
A. Eating naturally or originally. Man, like any wild animal, is made to consume the foods in their natural state. This means raw and unprocessed. We might be able to deviate some, but certainly not the insanity that we now call 'food'. If one eats only (!) original foods, one rediscovers one's natural food instinct that we have not lost. It's just buried under unnaturalness.
Our food instinct regulates not only what we should eat (attraction or repulsion) but also the quantity. And what do we see: then we eat much less calories. About 60% of what we eat now. What a coincidence!
Also our mood improves, our brain works better, we get automatically to our ideal weight, we become more active and (very important) we can much, much better take care of the needs of our offspring (natural birth, breastfeeding, sleeping together with the baby). We can also much quicker develop our paranormal abilities.
B. Sleeping more than necessary. When we are awake we burn up telomeres (look that up). When we sleep we add a few telomeres but a lot less. When we sleep more (12+) than we are awake we get a balance. When we sleep almost all day (23 hrs and 1 hour of eating) we get younger. The Indian and Tibetan yogi's do this practice during 3 to 6 months and become about 25 years younger in that time. Look up Kaya Kalpa or see my book below.
C. Supplements. There are all kinds of strategies to slow down or reverse the aging process. The best, as far as I know is C60 an ingredient in charcoal. In an experiment with rats (look up 'rats C60') the rats that got C60 regularly lived almost twice as long as the control group. C60 binds most of the toxins we ingest. Charcoal (also sold as 'Norit') does the same trick but not as effective as the pure C60 molecule.
Many other supplements are mentioned but I myself prefer a natural lifestyle which means enough sleep (no alarm clock), enough sunlight, enough movement, good relationships, etc. Common sense (a rare gift these days), that is.
D. Stem cells. Although not well researched for longevity because it is so effective in healing and would take away lots of profits for the harm-aceutical companies, it's very promising also for longevity.
You can order my book on Amazon or other retailers (The Natural and the Unnatural – on happiness by regaining our natural health - Hubert Neys) or for free by sending an email to me ([email protected]) and I'll send you the PDF (I look for readers not money).