Quote @Cy Ko from here:
➡️ https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/72056-aziz-now#post-406973
"The word FREE WILL is used by the Captain exactly like the USA uses the word "democracy". Starting WARS to implement FREE WILL."
So the question is: Why is it so easy to hijack the concept of free will?
What is free will?
Free will just means that you can make decisions based on your own opinions. It's essentially the capability to have opinions and express them through actions.
So, the next question must be: What is your opinion about freedom? How do you define it?
There are two opposing ideas of what freedom is:
1. Freedom means to express any idea without negative consequences or without consequences at all.
This idea is rooted in the fact the we all come from what I call the mental realm, others call it light realm, or dream world, or quantum reality, or source, or God... you can call it whatever you want, but the point is: There is no limitation there, just like God has no limitations.
But when it comes to a universe, a shared reality that is limited by law, freedom cannot mean the same thing anymore. As the limitations of the universe have to be accepted – as long as you are inside a universe – you are not free anymore in the sense of "do whatever I want". Natural law will respond to your actions with certain consequences, wether you accept them or not.
So, what does freedom mean while being inside a universe?
2. Freedom means that everybody has the exact same rights under natural/universal law.
You cannot do whatever you want anymore (at least without consequences). If you want to be free that way, you need to leave the universe(s). It's like playing a game: Imagine you agree to play chess with another player, but right in the middle of it, you decide you don't like the rules. Well, just stop playing chess then. But as long as you are playing chess, you have to accept the rules of the game. You don't have more or less rights than other players. All players have the exact same rights, as long as they are playing the same game.
Of course you can have the idea of cheating, but when it comes to natural law, do you really think that the highest power will let you get away with it? It doesn't make any sense to create a universe and then allow players to violate the rules, because that would render the universe – the very idea of why it was created in the first place – totally useless.
This is where evil hijacks free will. Evil essentially is the hatred of universal law. It's the hatred of being trapped inside a universe.
But ask yourself: Why are you trapped if, when looking from a higher perspective, there is no shortage of universes?
What do you want?