@Aéius Cercle
"they STILL CHOOSE to believe in the MSM anyway;"
Please consider that they don't choose to believe the lies, but instead, choose to do what ensures survival when confronted with being enslaved by a higher power. You are assuming a motivation based on how you would react, and in doing so, you ignore that not all people are like you.
In short: They don't want to be slaves, they just want to survive.
Also, there's still a possibility that you are incorrect with what you think is true. For that reason, everybody has the right to not believe you. So, when people don't believe you, it doesn't mean they choose slavery.
"If you wish to «waste your time» with «voluntary slaves»"
I don't waste my time with voluntary slaves, because voluntary slaves don't exist. That concept is an oxymoron. If you are what you want to be, you are not a slave by definition, because a slave is a person who is forced to pretend to be someone else.
For example, you are forced to work in the mines. You wouldn't choose to do that voluntarily, because if you would, you wouldn't need to be forced. So, the slave who is working in the mines is pretending that he wants to work there in order to prevent a more violent treatment. A person who wants to be enslaved wouldn't pretend it, but work there voluntarily, thus not being a slave at all.
Whoever wants you to believe that slavery is a voluntary choice is evil. It's a mindf*ck.
"Even you, You, YOU yourself have said that «they are already lost» when it comes to people who CAN'T be «helped»"
What I meant was that those people can't be helped within one physical lifetime, especially if it's that short like here on Earth. The death traps prevent the healing, but this doesn't mean that healing is impossible. It just means that we need to get rid of the death traps.