Ok, I've discontinued my subscription after 4 years. The project quality and other content is, for me, no longer interesting. Mysteries projects subject matter has become repetitive; the spotlights and the board meetings are crap. last year was not great, the year before better, year before that pretty dull again, the previous 2 were excellent - its been a slow degradation but is very apparent. I think Intysam and Aziz are great, the others fluctuate - but I've enjoyed all over the years. What pushed me over the edge recently, as I mentioned in depth in the comments section on the video about the "Battle for Humanities future" in which Courtney spent a full hour going over his search engine results (Yet again, really?) and his magic slow ageing. In this, he claimed to have unnatural outlier high testosterone, which is false - it is within the normal range for a 72 year old, and he even used the bottom normal figure of this range compared to his also normal figure to suggest he is several standard deviations above what is normal. This is a lie. This is intentional statistical manipulation. Furthermore, he claims to be ageing more slowly than normal, the same as a 30 year old. This is also a lie. Here is my proof of Courtney having had significant cosmetic surgery which fully accounts for how he looks now, it has nothing to do with magic slowed down ageing.
These are video timestamps, on the site right now, from over 5 years ago. In them, as you can clearly see at specific timestamps, is Courtney as he was before plastic surgery. I repeat, he is not ageing slowly, he has had a sh1t tonne of work done on his face. 5 years ago, he looked his age, his facial profile, teeth, skin and hair have all had significant work done. Please go look at the following timestamps to compare. I don't claim he doesn't look good for his age, and I don't care that he's had work done - I care that he's lying about it and claiming that he is genetically special - anyone can look younger with cosmetic surgery, but they don't claim to be ageing like a 30 year old or lying about what their testosterone figures mean. For the record, telomere length is the actual arbiter of ageing. I repeat. his testosterone is at the higher end of... COMPLETELY NORMAL, but his lying about magically ageing slower after having had significant work done is to my mind flat our bullshit, and I will not continue to pay for a service when the guy running it is either intentionally lying or completely deluded. Anyway, here's the timestamps - judge for yourself.
Courtney at 02:44 Of Remote Viewing Area 51, wrinkles, normal skin - this was filmed over 5 years ago.
Courtney at 11:13 of Remote Viewing Cydonia, no hair on the front full half of his head, grey everywhere, wrinkles, different lips, before he gets work done - this is Courtney in his 60's looking completely normal for a man in his 60's.
Courtney now - watch the battle for humanity spotlight - receding hairline gone, teeth clearly fixed, face lift - skin is taught, lips different size and profile, wrinkles gone, filler and botox. No loose skin around the eyes.
That is plastic surgery / cosmetic surgery, not ageing slowly. I resent being told otherwise by someone I'm meant to trust about information on the future of humanity. Lol.
This has nothing to do with him not looking good now, it has to do with that his lying about his testosterone being abnormal and his pretending he is ageing slowly; if we have plastic surgery it looks like we are younger than we are. Courtney is flat out lying, or he's getting mentally unstable - either is not great, if its the latter I hope he gets well.
He wants us to believe everything that he says, even when not viewed, but we can't trust him on his own appearance, or testosterone figures interpretations. I'm out guys. I wish Courtney and the viewers all the best and all the success in the world, but if the guy running the show is literally trying to gaslight his paying audience for the sake of his ego, you can keep it.
Maybe Aziz (and Intysam) could take over.
I don't think he's so much lying as he's desperate. As I said, they're bringing in the New World Order now and need everything in place. The controllers got desperate, and afraid, and they're pushing all their minions/puppets to push certain agendas as "humanly" possible. You can see all this playing out on the world stage. I've posted a little bit of it on my own 2025 thread, but I could've filled hundreds of pages of posts by now with all that's happening. This game is ending and they're hoping to stave it off by regaining control before it does.
Seems Farsight does everything BUT the occasional remote viewing.
Courtney has talk about his facial lifter or surgery, about 2 or 3 years ago!