So, we are reaching the point where the logic, the second step in the Trivium (see video below), is fulfilled. All the required information to enable an informed decision making process has been provided.
The next step, the third step in the Trivium, would be the rhetoric, or action. This means that we don't just talk anymore, but get things done.
As Farsight has pointed out, the goal is to make them dispensable. We should be able to do what they are doing. So, correct rhetoric would be to practice remote viewing, reproduce or refute the data Farsight and other remote viewers provide, and collect real world evidence in order to support or debunk the collected data.
For that purpose, I want to create a society, an association, that does not consist of remote viewers alone, but also scientists and other people who interprete the data and put it to the test. In that sense, it's not just another Farsight, HRVG, or IRVA, who focus on collecting data. The goal is to incorporate remote viewing into consciousness based on rationality and the scientific method. You could say: To prevent remote viewing from becoming a cult that is divided into a "psi elite" and mere consumers.
The first thing we need to do is to find a name for that society, and discuss its protocols. And I'm not talking about RV protocols, as they are just the protocols for data collection. I'm talking about protocols that describe how to deal with the collected data. Those would include standards for:
- how the data is dealt with after target reveal, either scientifically and ethically,
- how it is interpreted preserving objectivity,
- how targets can be cross-examined,
- how remote viewers and participating scientists are rewarded.
Please post your ideas and questions in this thread.
The Trivium: