In the ET Psyop project, Aziz is saying the following:
[1:55:26] "I have come to think that we should really drop every idea of a good and a bad ET, or a good and a bad anything. It just doesn't make sense to me. What makes sense is what you see when you turn on a nature documentary: there's predators and there's prey. And when you add a higher level of intellect to predators and prey – like the gazelles, the lions, the cheetahs, the hippos, all that type of stuff – when you had a higher level of intellect, then the play, the theater of predator and prey relationship becomes more sophisticated. Suddenly you have states, nation states, vessels, propaganda. I mean, it's just things become more complicated, because the mind that's involved in the play is more complicated."
[1:56:24] "I'm thinking that there are beings that are engaged in a very complex predator/prey relationship, and the identity of good and evil is a simplistic interpretation that is applicable for a mind that isn't prepared to grapple with the complexities of nature. And I would call that propaganda to say that there is the goods and the bads, and I'm just sort of trying to reach myself out of this. I could be wrong."
Dear Aziz, you are indeed wrong. It's not complicated at all:
If your intellect is developed enough to understand what you've just said, evil means to wilfully choose to be a predator despite the fact that you can survive not being a predator, and good means to wilfully choose to not be a predator.
You say:
[1:57:16] "And it also makes me feel a lot better about myself, and more empowered to try to pursue better abilities on my own side of things, because if I acknowledge that I'm in this jungle predator/prey relationship world, well, the first thing I want to do is have better tools, and value my own intellect, my own abilities, and I want to sharpen my sword, so to speak. I think it's very empowering to drop the ideas of goods and evils entirely, and to acknowledge the predator/prey dynamic of the galactic jungle that we live in."
No, you feel better because if you deny evil, it seems like you are not surrounded by it anymore. But this is a fallacy. You are still surrounded by predators.
The concept of good and evil does not contradict the concept of the galactic jungle. The harsh truth is that a hell of a lot of beings out there still choose to be predators despite the fact that they are intellectually and technologically advanced enough to stop being predators.
But this doesn't mean that there aren't beings who have chosen to not be predators and to respect self-ownership. Those would be the good ones. Ask Harvey and the others what they really believe.
That's how evil people think.