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The «Cognitive-Dissonance» of people who become «Mr. Agent Smith» when faced with a «Truth» that they DO NOT WISH to «accept» should be apparently CLEAR by now.
Unlike those who WISH to «BELIEVE» in «COMFORTABLE-LIES»
I will NOT be giving «comfortable» LIES;
The TRUTH is in fact VERY UNCOMFORTABLE for those who WANT to «DESTROY» others, who WANT to «KILL» others, who WANT to «TORTURE» others.
It is a DELUSION to BELIEVE that you CAN «destroy» others and NOT be «destroyed» yourself;
It is a DELUSION to BELIEVE that you CAN «steal» and NOT be «stolen» from;
It is a DELUSION to BELIEVE that you CAN «kill» and NOT be «killed» eventually;
It is a DELUSION to BELIEVE that you CAN «enslave» and NOT be «enslaved» yourself;
It is a DELUSION to BELIEVE that you CAN «entrap» others and NOT be «entrapped» yourself;
It is a DELUSION to BELIEVE that you CAN «mislead» others and NOT be «mis-led»
That is the LAW of ETERNAL-REALITY. It is NOT a mere «belief»; it is a STATEMENT of FACT
Here's an excerpt from another thread, where I describe how it works within true Christianity.
The quotes are from Aéius Cercle:
"Or that doing «charity works» PAYS OFF your «thieving» sins (which it doesn't) ?"
It's really simple: If you don't repent and refrain from theft, no charity work will compensate it. You can't be a thief, buy yourself free, be a thief again, buy yourself free again, etc. It doesn't work like that. Churchianity implemented that wrong idea. It has nothing to do with the true Christianity that Christ represented.
True redemption means you need to repent, which means you need to be authentically sorry, refrain from the wrong-doing, and apologize. The apology typically consists of making amends for the harm you brought to others. For example, if you have stolen from a hundred people, you need to help a hundred people that have been stolen from. After you have achieved this, it means that your apology can be seen as believable. It's a way of rebuilding trust.
True redemption requires NO torture (unless you think that apologizing and making amends is a torture.)
"you can ONLY be «saved» from being made to EXPERIENCE being «stolen from» once you STOP STEALING from others."
Making amends for the victims has the same effect as being stolen from. You lose what is not your rightful property. But if you give it back voluntarily, there has been no new crime committed, while being stolen from "in return" would be a new crime, because you need a thief to do it. As already explained, you will create a vicious cycle that the thief that stole from the thief also needs to be stolen from, and so forth. It never ends.
And this is yet another logical fallacy: If the perpetrator experiences it as being stolen from, it means there is no true repentance, thus no true understanding. Giving it back voluntarily means that the wrong-doing has been understood. This is the only way to apologize in a believable way.
You can find the whole debate in the following two threads:
Re: «It's really simple: If you don't repent and refrain from theft, no charity work will compensate it. You can't be a thief, buy yourself free, be a thief again, buy yourself free again, etc. It doesn't work like that. Churchianity implemented that wrong idea. It has nothing to do with the true Christianity that Christ represented.»
You are incorrect here; doing «good works» WILL result in RECEIVING «blessings» but it does NOT «erase» the HARM that WAS caused from previous «bad works» and also does NOT «erase» the «karmic-DEBT» that had been INCURRED. The «debt» is ONLY «paid off» once one has EXPERIENCED the «same» that they have CAUSED others which typically comes at the «hands» of the ignorant-of-karmic-law fools who know not that they are simply «transferring» the «karmic-debt» of the thief unto themselves from whom-ever they are stealing.
The «Source» is simply that: a SOURCE. The SOURCE «Above» and the SOURCE «Below» and one's «fate/destiny» is DETERMINED by which «source» they USE. On-going use of the Dark-Source will result in on-going «falling» down towards its «Abyss» domain; on-going use of the Light-Source will result in rising further up towards its «Pure-Realm» domain.
And, yes, for as long as one CONTINUES to find ANY form of «justification» to USE the Dark-Source then they will also CONTINUE to «slide down» into the «oblivion» and yes it CAN indeed BE a «never-ending» (NEVER-ending) «cycle» as the «inhabitants» of the «Abyss» DO in fact go back-and-forth in NEVER-ENDING «cycles» of «revenge» against one another with absolutely NO «surcease» from «attack» WHAT-SO-EVER; this «earth» was «created» for purposes of giving maybe SOME of those «fallen» ISBEs a CHANCE to at the TRUTH glance and a TEMPORARY (whilst they are in an earth human-body) SURCEASE from «CONSTANT-ATTACK» so that maybe, just MAYBE, they MIGHT «change their way» as they LISTEN to the «WISDOM» which stipulates that IF they WISH to HALT their «suffering» at some point in the future then they MUST STOP causing «suffering» upon others.
You have too much free-time on your hands; try doing something else that's actually useful rather than engaging in «never-ending» pseudo-intellectualism.
Re: «So when this is so easy to understand, why do we need your so called Messiah and his "Testament of Truth" then?»
A LOT of it is «DISPELLING» the «Jesus saves if you believe that he died on the cross to pay for YOUR sins» MYTH that is leading so MANY «devout-followers» of «Churchianity» down a FALSE-PATH of DECEPTION; one is ONLY «saved» when they HEED the «Wisdom» (TRUE «Wisdom») that he TAUGHT via his MESSAGES to «Stop sinning» (stop violating others' free-will) and «Turn away from your sins» (turn away from being a free-will-violator) and «Now go and sin no more» (Now be free and violate others' free-will no more) and ultimately : «STOP being complicity to ANY and ALL forms of INIQUITY» (which even included the PAYING of TAXES)
Merely «professing a BELIEF» does NOT in fact «save» anyone; it is ONLY through one's ACTIONS and CONDUCT (and inter-actions) when one HAS become «peaceful» and are NOT being complicit to ANY kind of free-will-violation against others (with the ONE-EXCEPTION mentioned in regards to protecting others' free-will, but, even then, only for the purpose of their benign non-punitive education & rehabilitation for the offender, rather than for their punishment or other punitive-measures).
Additionally, the «Render Unto Caesar» TEXT needed to be CLARIFIED, because it WAS «distorted» and its FULL-CONTEXT was «manipulated» by Caesar's men so that «Caesar» could «look good» in the history books when in fact he was a DICTATOR who «threatened» the «scribes» with being fed into the lions' den to be eaten alive if they did not «alter» the «scriptures» to be in his favour.
"The «debt» is ONLY «paid off» once one has EXPERIENCED the «same» that they have CAUSED others"
So, here is how it works:
1. Someone commits a crime, for example stealing.
2. The thief believes that he has the right to steal, which is a false belief.
3. The law of attraction then garantuees that he will attract the same people into his life. You attract what you believe to be right. So, the thief will attract thiefs, the murderer will attract murderers, etc. I agree with you on that.
4. Here's the point where we disagree: In your world, the thief can only get rid of his karmic debt when he experiences the exact same amount of theft he has committed before. But this is not necessary at all. Here's an example:
Imagine a thief that has stolen from 10 people. In your world, he would need to experience being stolen from 10 times to become karmically debt free. In reality, the first thing that happens is that he will attract other thiefs that steal from him, because he still believes in theft. When that happens the first time, and he gets aware of it, he already experienced how it is to be stolen from, and therefore he gets his first opportunity to repent and get out. If this first time was not enough to make him understand why stealing is bad, it will happen a second time. Let's say the second time, he gets it and decides to refrain from stealing, apologize, and make amends by giving back ALL the stolen property of ALL his victims (which would be 10).
This is how true redemption works. He does NOT need to experience being stolen from another 8 times, because he already understood why stealing is bad and made amends to all his victims. There is no victim anymore, because the stolen property has been given back, or has been replaced.
But you still want him to experience being stolen from 8 more times, despite the fact that amends were made and there is no victim anymore. That's why I think you don't believe in true forgiveness, but vengeance instead. You don't care at all wether amends were made. You want to make a person experience more crimes although there is no reason for it anymore. That's torture.
And this is the reason why you attract people who are willing to torture you. You are a vengeful person, and the religion you chose reflects this mentality.
Re: «There is no victim anymore, because the stolen property has been given back, or has been replaced.»
That is what we're supposed to teach them and «judge» them when they are found to be «guilty» in a court-system; they must be educated that it is not right to steal and that stealing from others does incur a karmic-debt to be stolen from in their future, and, that he does need to return the «stolen» goods/merchandise or other form of material-wealth.
The point about the «fairness» of SOURCE-LAW is that IF a thief were to steal 2$SG (or an egg) then SOURCE would also ONLY «take» 2$SG (or an egg) from said «offender» but «Man-Made» Pseudo-Law is a form of «Sharia-Law» wherein if a man stole 2$SG (or an egg), rather than either being expected to simply return the 2$SG (or an egg), MAN-made «Sharia-Law» will go so FAR as to cut off his hand or to fine him a whopping 500$SG or even 5000$SG for a mere 2$SG initial-theft as a «punitive» measure (and in THIS case then ALL of the «fools» who went about «charging» him a «fine» of 500$SG or even 5000$SG or even having his hand cut off will find THEMSELVES incurring the «karmic-DEBT» of being EXTORTED for 500$SG or even 5000$SG or even having their own hand cut off).
The CORRECT «response» is certainly to simply EDUCATE the «offender» and ask him to simply return the 2$SG and everybody goes about their business and it's all good amongst those who aren't ignorant of SOURCE-LAW, such that the «offender» will understand the IMPORTANCE of FORGIVENESS (and «education») upon the «offender» WHEN they end up being «stolen from» in the future, and, the «cycle» of «rehabilitation» can continue as this «education» allows for MORE «offenders» to ALSO become «educated» and becomes the BLESSING to such a «sane» society who RESPECTS both the Free-Will AND the TRUE Source-Law.
«A society should not be judged based on how it treats its outstanding citizens but on how it treats its criminals & worst offenders of their society...» -Fyodor Dostoevsky (Фиодор Достоевский)
"The point about the «fairness» of SOURCE-LAW is that IF a thief were to steal 2$SG (or an egg) then SOURCE would also ONLY «take» 2$SG (or an egg) from said «offender»"
Yes, and that's exactly why God will not torture you if you already have repented and made restitution. But it needs to be both: Repentance means that you understand the wrong-doing and therefore won't do it again, and restitution means that you took care of the victims.
"but «Man-Made» Pseudo-Law is a form of «Sharia-Law»"
Torturing a man when he already repented and offered to make amends, like you describe what you have observed happened to Hitler, IS "Sharia-Law". He was not given the opportunity to make amends. He has not been educated at all. Instead, and this is my theory, you saw a man that has been tortured BECAUSE he wanted to make amends, in order to break him again, which is the energetic change you witnessed.
Re: «Yes, and that's exactly why God will not torture you if you already have repented and made restitution. But it needs to be both: Repentance means that you understand the wrong-doing and therefore won't do it again, and restitution means that you took care of the victims.»
There is SOURCE-DARK and there is SOURCE-LIGHT. The SOURCE of «Pure-Liquid-Insanity» DOES come from SOMEWHERE. The SOURCE of «Unconditional-Love» DOES come from SOMEWHERE. BOTH of them are called «SOURCE» for a REASON. The REASON as to why Source-DARK will NOT «torture» another is BECAUSE the ISBE in question has NO «Karmic-DEBTS» that need to be «suffered» through in order to «BALANCE» the «Scales-of-JUSTICE» ETERNAL-RECORDS; This «Karmic-BALANCING» is done via the MINDS of the «ignorant» who do NOT believe that there are ANY«consequences» for their negative-actions.
Re: «Torturing a man when he already repented and offered to make amends, like you describe what you have observed happened to Hitler, IS "Sharia-Law". He was not given the opportunity to make amends. He has not been educated at all. Instead, and this is my theory, you saw a man that has been tortured BECAUSE he wanted to make amends, in order to break him again, which is the energetic change you witnessed.»
The «perspective» came from the HIGHEST (Infinite-Level) «vantage-point» where-in it was possible to «see» ALL of the various different «levels» of «consciousness» and the REASON(s) as to WHY the «inhabitants» got themselves STUCK there and UNABLE to return to the Pure-Light-Source-Realm; amongst the «highest» of «levels» were those who indeed would be considered «good people» from the human vantage-point, and, several did in fact get «close» to returning to the Ultimate-Level, but, because Source-Dark WILL «test» the «worthiness» of ISBEs as to whether they «deserve» to be permitted their «eternal-freedom» or not, one of their FINAL «tests» in which they ended up FAILING at, despite their ability and willingness to «forgive» just about everyone else, was in their extreme-desire to PUNISH the «paedophiles» and, like I have mentioned NUMEROUS times before on these forums already, the CORRECT response to «offenders» is to «educate» and «rehabilitate» them, rather than subjecting them to PUNISHMENT.
Another «issue» that happens here on earth is that there are certainly those who have «incarnated» from «higher-levels of consciousness» who THINK that they are «doing good» and «LEADING» earth's inhabitants the right way «back to God» BUT, the TRUTH and REALITY of what is happening is that, because they did NOT «incarnate» DIRECTLY from the PURE-Light-SOURCE-Realm, what they are «teaching» and «promoting» DOES contain «Spiritual-Error» AND «Spiritual-FALSITY» and, for as MUCH as they may THINK that they are «helping out» the «mortals» in their «guidance» what THEY do not know is that their CONTROL (or interference) over the mortal's mind, even if they THINK that their «intentions» are «good» IS an ACT of «Free-Will-VIOLATION» and ALSO incurs similar «Karmic-Debt» upon THEMSELVES and ALL who are «involved» in these various versions of so-called self-proclaimed «Ascended Masters» «New Age» «we know ALL about God and heaven» bullocks; amongst these «versions» of «new-agers» who get the CLOSEST to the PURE «Love» Realm (but NOT QUITE) are in the «category» of whom both I and Terence describe as those who «incarnate» up-and-down into just about «every level» outside of both the Pure-Light-Source-Realm (Abyss-Level) and the Pure-Dark-Source-Realm (Infinite-Level) and they CONTINUE to REMAIN «stuck» in this «state» ETERNALLY which CAN and DOES go on INDEFINITELY for those who CONTINUE to REFUSE to STOP «finding» some «reason» to PUNISH others REGARDLESS OF THE REASON.
People ALWAYS want «comfortable» LIES and an EASY way «out» and some EASY «comforting» sort of «BELIEF-System» that lets them BELIEVE (even if FALSELY) that THEY have a «guarantee» into «heaven» (the REAL one) but it is in fact NOT «easy» for one to Break FREE from the Hypnotic-Mind-Control-FACTOR of the Eternal Source-Dark once ANY amount of its «energy» (sin as a NOUN) has «contaminated» the Essence (Soul/Spirit/what-ever/etc.) of any particular ISBE or another term that I find suitable for this would be UQC (Unit of Quantum-Consciousness), and QDPs (Quantum-Dissonance-Particles) to refer to the «energy» that is called «sin» (negative-emotional-energy).
One who TRULY «TRUSTS in God» will NOT try to «repel» their «aggressors/attackers» with FORCE as THEY are the ones who BELIEVE that, for as LONG as they do NOT possess the particular «Karmic-Debt» for which to be suffered through, then, NEITHER will an aggressive-attacker even BE able to DO anything that CAUSES them «harm» EVEN IF it is the INTENT of the «attacker/invader/aggressor» to CAUSE said «harm» to the ISBE; that is NOT to say that it ISN'T «scary» and «frightening» to experience BEING «attacked» and have someone THREATENING to KILL you (and your wife) but it's now already been DOCUMENTED as follows...:
«As the first one entered I saw he had a gleaming new 'hatchet' in his right hand and a long knife in the other, and the second chap had a .303 rifle - - -they were only 5 paces away as I turned and shouted to Jilly "Go back" as she was following a few steps behind me. She just kept coming and said: "I'd rather be with you."
I turned to face a very angry and totally 'insane' man as he raised the hatchet screaming: I'm going to kill you you bloody 'f - - -ing white man. Its never ceases to amaze me how time stood still in the next second as the hatchet started to swing - - -
I thought of many things, how my work on earth was not yet complete - surely I could not die yet - - - poor Jilly having to suffer at their hands alone - - - and as I started to raise my hand and arm to ward off the blow my mind said: 'Lift it and lose it,' as it would be ME placing my hand/arm directly in its 'flight path' - - - and believing that God was my protector and that I would only need to suffer IF I had a 'karmic' debt to GOD and, that IN that suffering I would be set free from my debts to God - - - I simply kept my arms tight by my side and looked him in the eye.
The falling axe swerved slightly to one side and just missing my head and right shoulder, and for a moment there was stillness, and everything seemed to halt - then a few moments later I was struck in the kidneys by the rifle butt from behind and fell to my knees naked, as my 'lap lap' was whipped away -
One shouted at Jilly saying 'Lie down and do not look at us or we will kill you' - the rest of the story is irrelevant and I only state the above as I say; "How strong is your mind bro? Would YOU Pete have been mentally and emotionally strong enough to place your trust in God"?»
-Quoted from http://the-testament-of-truth.com/islam/web/pete.htm