The current wave of disclosures is overwhelming.
- I found today, via a Courtney Brown interview on YouTube.
Now that I'm awake and paying attention, I want to ask a few basic questions to get alignment.
In nature, we have good and bad, positive and negative - I get that.
If humans have been imprisoned on Earth for so long, believing in the eventuaity of death for all, will we all awaken to a new reality of eternal life for all?
Not necessarily; many cases exist of «earth-bound» spirits/ISBEs;
They've «died» (from OUR «perspective»), but, believe it or not, THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE «dead» (from OUR still mortal-embodied perspective). Talking to them to try to convince them that they've «died» will often result in dialogues like the following:
Doctor: «You died a long time ago.»
Discarnate-ISBE: «What are you talking about!? How can I be "dead" when I am literally standing right here in front of you and talking to you? I would have expected that a doctor like you should be smarter than that to be talking such nonsense!»
Doctor: «What year is it right now?»
Discarnate-ISBE: «Why it's 1872 of course!»
Doctor: «Take a look at this news-paper. What's the date printed?»
Discarnate-ISBE: /shocked expression
You can read about these types of accounts in Dr. Carl Wickland's book: 30 Years Among the Dead (it's even available in its entirety for free as a PDF-File).
Also... this Earth is not the only Prison-Planet; there are many all over the Galaxy;
Earth just happens to be the most-significant & highest-population Prison-Planet.