Backstory: I saw a report from a remote viewer back in 2018 that viewed the process of successfully leaving the body without getting caught in the traps and they reported something about focusing on some type of geometry relative to the body and leaving in a certain direction. I have also heard people who report back from out of body (OOB) experiences claiming that the way they travel (whether by lines and angles, or by curves) has significance. Who knows if there is truth there, but it is interesting to consider.
Project 1: In Alien Interview, Airl left her body and returned to her work with the Dominion without getting caught in the death traps on Earth. She left her body before her body was shocked so it is assumed she still had her wits. It would be interesting to see if there are any worthwhile details in what her exact focus was from the moment she decided to leave her body to when she arrived back with her people.
Project 2: Regarding the Journeys Trilogy by Robert A. Monroe (listed in order below) there can be projects developed around some of that material. In some of his OOB trips when traveling away from Earth he encountered solid walls that he could not pass through. Related to the traps? There was also some brief mentions of ET activity but I think he tried to avoid it for the book. As he learns more and releases his fear he is able to see more clearly and these hard boundaries no longer prevent him from traveling further from the planet.
Book order:
Journeys Out of the Body
Far Journeys
Ultimate Journey
Author: Robert A. Monroe
Project 3: Regarding the Course in Miracles and Gary Renards books including "Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death", one take away seems to be changing our core beliefs to the point where we learn to see this place as illusory and our eternal Is-Be self as real. And forgiving everything releases it's "pull" on us allowing us to leave or slip past the things in place that keep us coming back.
Perhaps the real stories here are that some IsBe's get past the traps. When they do, can we better understand their focus in those critical moments?
And in past projects, sometimes the viewer cannot get through an area or is prevented from seeing something and they have to request a higher help to get through. If we cannot see how to evade or disable the traps, can the viewers request to view from a high enough perspective to see the solutions?
Thoth's Emerald Tablet Angles
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, an ancient text attributed to the Atlantean sage Thoth, contain cryptic messages and symbolism. One recurring theme is the distinction between angles and curves, particularly in relation to traversing the sixth dimension and avoiding the “Barrier Hounds.”
Tablet VIII: The Key of Mystery
In Tablet VIII, Thoth warns of the Hounds of the Barrier, which move only through angles, not curves. To escape them, one must navigate through curves, as only by doing so can one avoid being pursued. This dichotomy is echoed in other tablets, emphasizing the importance of understanding the difference between angles and curves.
Cosmological Significance
The contrast between angles and curves may be seen as a metaphor for the fundamental structure of the universe. Angles represent rigid, geometric patterns, while curves symbolize fluid, dynamic movements. This dichotomy may reflect the interplay between the linear, deterministic aspects of reality and the non-linear, probabilistic forces that govern the cosmos.
Practical Applications
The Emerald Tablets’ emphasis on angles and curves can be interpreted in various ways, including:
Spiritual Journey: The distinction between angles and curves may serve as a guide for the spiritual seeker, encouraging them to navigate the complexities of the inner world through fluid, adaptive movements rather than rigid, dogmatic approaches.
Dimensional Travel: The tablets’ warnings about the Hounds of the Barrier may be seen as cautionary tales for those attempting to traverse higher dimensions, emphasizing the need to adopt curved, non-linear paths to avoid being pursued by entities that operate within the rigid frameworks of those dimensions.
Influence and Interpretations
The Emerald Tablets have been interpreted and reinterpreted throughout history, with various authors and occultists offering their own understandings of the text. Some have seen the tablets as a guide to alchemical transmutation, while others have viewed them as a blueprint for spiritual growth and self-realization. The themes of angles and curves have been woven into these interpretations, often symbolizing the interplay between structure and fluidity, order and chaos.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth’s emphasis on angles and curves offers a rich tapestry of symbolism and metaphor, inviting readers to explore the deeper meanings and applications of this ancient text. Whether seen as a guide for spiritual journeys, dimensional travel, or alchemical transmutation, the tablets’ dichotomy between angles and curves serves as a reminder of the complex, multifaceted nature of reality and our place within it.
The way to avoid the death traps is simple, but not easy: don't go to them. Your CONSENT to go is a necessary component, even if you are tricked into doing so. The memories in your mind are used against you, for example, you can be tricked into following your long-lost mother or grandfather into the light. But they are not your long-lost mother or grandfather. They are a simulation--a copy. Some people see Jesus or Mohammad or whatever imagery is in your particular mind. It's all manipulation. They also direct some kind of frequency at you that makes you feel loved and comforted--something you are fooled into trusting.
When your body dies, if you simply stayed nearby and ignored that white light or tunnel of light or whatever form it takes, and ignored all of the imaginary beings that approach you, you would not go to the death traps. Again, it is simple but not easy, because it looks so real and feels so good. But it is the start of the death trap process.
The way to practice gaining control over this is through your night dreams. When you sleep, do you know when you are dreaming? Are you aware that you are just asleep and in a dream, and all of the characters you see are not real? Or do you completely buy into the dream?
Before you fall asleep, tell yourself that you will remain aware of who your are and where you are, even if you are in a dream. And while you are in a dream, don't consent to anything that any of the characters tell you to do. Recognize that it is all fake and then decide to wake up.
If you can do this, you can avoid the death traps. It is the same process.
Something else to keep in mind is that, when a spiritual being fights against one of those energy-based entrapping devices, you are making it harder for yourself because you are augmenting the energy that will be used against you. It causes you to stick to it. What you have to do is operate simply by using INTENTION. Don't use effort. Don't struggle to get away. Simply INTEND to be somewhere else--preferably somewhere familiar. You have this ability.