First, we need to agree upon some terms. Here's my suggestion:
Orion Empire = The empire as it existed a few thousand years ago, when the Orions owned Earth.
Anunnaki / Elohim = The species that created Earth humans through hybridization. Most likely, but not necessarily, members of the Orion Empire back in the day. According to Lacerta, they came from Aldebaran, which is a star located in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, which lies next to the Orion constellation.
Old Empire = The remains of the Orion Empire as they are now. Doesn't mean that it's a united force. Could be part of the New Empire now, either completely or partially.
New Empire = The current owners of Earth. Most likely, but not necessarily, the ones that defeated the Orion Empire and forced them to leave Earth around 3.000 BC.
Draco = The reptilian species that makes up the executive force of the New Empire. If these reptilians don't belong to the species that is connected with the term Draco on Earth, we would need a new name.
"Godhead" = The entity that is controlling the Draco. Essentially the ruler of the New Empire. Most likely, but not necessarily, an Artificial Intelligence that wants to control everything.
Any objections or comments?
This is fairly good because it matches the Farsight descriptions. I'm ok with the idea that not all the names are genuine (eg Harvey) but we need to stay consistent at least so that we always know if we're talking about apples or oranges.
I think there needs to be a name for the group of humans whom directly oppose the secret space program.
Hi Manuel.
Sorry, I can't agree to your terms.
It has soooo much assumption built into it, and there's zero real evidence that there's any validity to any of them.
I think what is needed is giving some sort of reference for where the ideas of these come from.
Of course it's assumption. So, how would real evidence look like?
For example, how do I know that the United States of America exist? I don't live there. I have never been there. All I know about it is coming from other people talking about it. By observing these people, I came to the conclusion that they believe in the existence of the Unites States for some reason, which means they act accordingly.
It would be the same with the ETs. For example, if we ask an ET "Do you belong to the Orion Empire?", at first he wouldn't know what we mean, because he wouldn't use the same term. He would ask: "What is this Orion Empire you're talking about?" We would respond: "The empire that owned Earth as a prison planet a few thousand years ago." He could then say: "No, the empire I belong to didn't own Earth at that time." So we would know that the Empire he belongs to is not the Orion Empire as we defined it.
Of course it is absolutely possible that our definition doesn't reflect reality, then we would find no evidence. But imagine the ET says: "I know who owned your planet a few thousand years ago. It's the Empire of the Black Sun." We then would know that what he calls Empire of the Black Sun is the same as what we call Orion Empire.
And, have we seen any aliens say that?? (or any other terms used in the OP?)
I don't understand your problem. When we see them, we ask. But we need definitions in order to be able to ask.