Okay, let's have a closer look at this idea...
My first reaction was:
➡️ https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/71740-telling-the-truth-is-not-a-psy-op
Because, in my world of thinking, telling the truth is not an "operation" you have to carefully think through and plan and prepare. In other words: You don't have to manipulate people into truth, as truth is self-evident. You just tell it.
But I thought about this, because of the egg uap and how people react to it. It's just an egg, there is no ground crew and this and that, and even my grandma can fake it. Everybody was waiting for the big revelation, and then it's just a boring egg... WTF?
But what if that's not the purpose at all? If you pay attention what's happening right now, you see that more and more people are talking about ETs and secret technology. There are more videos and photos of strange eggs coming out, as if people were sitting on footage for years and kept it secret because it's not good enough. It's like, one had to do the first step, and now others find the courage to go public as well. It's the same with the "drones": More and more people are willing to share their experiences, even if they happened years or decades ago.
I was very frustrated with the disclosure process so far, because, I am aware of certain things for so long now, I just have no patience anymore. They claim to be technologically advanced and dominating the solar system and all that, so why not just end human slavery first and tell us afterwards?
But maybe there is something to it that the "rambo way" of freeing the planet won't work. The transition would be too harsh. We have to consider the psychological effects, and we have to counter negative reactions in a peaceful way. In other words: You can't force a being to be free, because being free means assuming responsibility, and this needs to be learned (just like with children).
So, what if the strategy is to accustom the population to a certain way of thinking? Don't present the evidence on a silver plate, but make them discover it all by themselves. Like with the egg uap – people think it's fake and underwhelming, but they still want to know the truth, so they keep digging. And the ones who are just consuming the information are getting used to it over time. This is why it's taking so long.
I must admit, I wanted the ETs to be our saviors. As I said, I have no patience anymore. This planet is so primitive. You know what I mean when you have to deal with returning memories. You feel the loss, and it hits you hard.
I'm still very skeptical, because I hate religions and mind control. But because of this, I started the process of creating an association of people who want to look at the results of remote viewing scientifically. Not the process of remote viewing, because the science is already there. I mean to look at the evidence wether it's correct what remote viewers see. Verification. We should start to collect real world evidence. Not just some pictures of uaps. We need to think big. Don't take remote viewing as gospel, but question everything, and go after it. That's the only way to get to the truth.
➡️ https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/72163-the-next-step
And maybe that's what the so called good ETs wanted to achieve in the first place? That we take it in our own hands because what they do is not enough? Maybe that's the "psy-op". I don't know.